A Tarot Reader Predicts What Each Zodiac Should Expect Before 11/20/24
Your card: 9 of Wands
Sometimes life just feels like you’re toiling away with no end in sight. It’ll be hard work getting through this week, but you’ll handle it like a pro. Hopefully next week will feature a lot more renewing and rejuvenating energy, because you’ll need it.
Your card: 4 of Wands
If you’ve been toying with the idea of hosting a party, this is the perfect week. No matter what you’re celebrating, big or small, inviting all your favorite people will be the best way to memorialize everything good going on in your life.
Your card: Page of Cups
Get ready for a happy surprise this week. The unexpected will find its way to you, so be ready and willing to receive it. If you can be more sensitive to the things around you, you’ll be more likely to notice these good things coming.
Your card: 9 of Pentacles
Take care of yourself this week. While you often prioritize other people over your own needs, that’s the wrong move right now. Treat yourself, focus on self-care, and remember that you deserve just as much happiness as anyone else.
Your card: 10 of Swords
Something is about to end this week. While some endings can feel happy and fulfilling, it’ll be a lot harder to look at this change in a positive light. Will you drown under the weight of your disappointment or cling to positivity to keep you afloat?
Your card: The Tower
You’re about to learn something that shakes you very foundations this week. Something you thought you knew isn’t quite the way it seemed. Just remember that you can recover from this–it doesn’t have to define you.
Your card: 7 of Cups
You’ll be presented with a choice this week. While change can be scary, and your choice might not be easy, you’ll come away better off if you follow your heart. This could very well lead you to the life you’ve always wanted.
Your card: King of Wands
If you come upon a moment this week to use your natural charisma, go for it. You have the ability to engage people and make them want to talk to you. You never know what cool things could come from using that skill.
Your card: 2 of Swords
You’ll have a tough decision to make this week. It might feel like there’s no right choice to make–which will only make it harder–but in the end you have to choose something. You might as well go with your gut instincts on this one, as hard as that might be.
Your card: 6 of Wands
You’re doing amazing things right now and people are starting to notice. This week, don’t shy away from the praise. It’s not only okay to be proud of your accomplishments, but you have every right to show just how excited you are for what’s to come.
Your card: Queen of Pentacles
If someone comes to you this week for help, be there for them. This card is encouraging you to be the nurturing, helpful force for people who need you. That could mean giving money or just being an empathetic ear when someone needs to vent.
Your card: 6 of Swords
You’re in the middle of a transitionary period this week. Change has found you, whether you wanted it or not. Just remember that change is what drives you to bigger and better things. It may not feel like it right now, but you’re way better off now.