A Tarot Reader Predicts What Each Zodiac Should Expect Before 7/24/23
Your card: 5 of Wands
It isn’t smooth-sailing this week. Conflict will find you whether you like it or not. Luckily you’re good at fighting for what you care about. Just make sure you’re not fighting for no reason at all. Pick your battles, babe.
Your card: Ace of Swords
Have you been feeling stuck lately? It looks like there’s finally a way out this week. You’ll have a breakthrough, and good things will come from those new ideas. You just need to follow them.
Your card: 3 of Wands
If you want things to get better, you can’t just keep doing everything the way you’ve always done. Instead, think about how you want your life to look in your close and distant future. This week, work on building the roadmap to get there.
Your card: King of Wands
If you get some creative inspiration this week, run with it. This is a great time to make art or learn a new craft. Remember: You won’t be amazing at it right from the start. Everything takes work.
Your card: Temperance
When you want something, you want it now. Why wait? This week, you’ll have to exercise patience. Wanting it harder isn’t going to make your desires happen any sooner. But you can help how you act while you wait. Don’t be a dick.
Your card: Strength
Sure, strength can mean fighting for what you need or believe in. But true strength also means knowing when to wait, when to stay your blade, when to show compassion. Don’t run headlong into battle this week. Instead, stay strong and only fight if you need to.
Your card: 10 of Wands
You’re taking on way more than you can handle this week. It might be caregiving for a family member, overdoing it at work, or taking on the emotional load in your relationship. No matter the cause, you’re in danger of a breakdown if something doesn’t change.
Your card: The Moon
You often worry that something’s going on that you don’t know about. Are there secrets? Are people talking about you behind your back? This week, you can find out the answers to your questions, but make sure you actually want to know.
Your card: 4 of Pentacles
Hold back on big purchases this week. You might feel compelled to reserve tickets to a huge event or buy that cool collectible you’ve had your eye on, but it’s better to wait. Something might come up that’ll need the money more.
Your card: The Star
Don’t lose any hope this week. Life might feel like too much right now, but there’s good waiting for you around the corner. You just need to weather through the rough times. Hope is the best way to do that right now.
Your card: King of Pentacles
You can have exactly what you want this week–you just need to use your initiative and hard work in order to get it. Luckily, that’s how you do things most of the time, anyway.
Your card: Queen of Swords
It’s time to enforce some boundaries this week. You’re already pretty good at coming up with healthy boundaries, but where you fail is enforcing them when people you care about start stepping over the line. It’ll keep happening unless you do something about it.