Fred Souza

A Tarot Reader Predicts What Each Zodiac Should Expect Before April 29


Your card: 2 of Cups

There’s good news this week: Someone in your life feels exactly the same way about you as you do them. No relationship imbalance for you. This could be a friendship, new relationship, or massive crush you’ve had one someone who happens to like you back.


Your card: The World

While you’re known for your home being your ultimate comfort zone, it’s a good idea to find your way out of it this week. Say yes to invitations from friends, head out to your favorite park, or go on a spontaneous weekend getaway. Adventure awaits, Taurus.


Your card: 9 of Wands

There’s no giving up this week. You might have the urge to call it quits, but that’s the exact wrong thing to do. Instead, hunker down and keep going, even if you’re tired and totally over it. Giving up now will only set you back.


Your card: Death

Don’t be afraid of this card–it isn’t the bad omen it seems at first. This week, you’ll be dealing with that transitional period that comes from one phase ending and another beginning. While change is hard for most, you’re well-equipped to handle this.


Your card: The Chariot

When you have the chance to drive your own fate this week, take it. It’s better to be the one making the decisions than sitting back and letting others determine what happens to you. Take an active approach to what happens this week, rather than passive.


Your card: 2 of Swords

While most people would shy away from making tough decisions, hoping things will work out on their own, that’s not your style. If the decision has to be made, you’ll put in the work to make sure you make the right one–and that’s exactly what you should do this week.


Your card: 4 of Pentacles

Be careful with your money this week. This isn’t the time to splurge on something you don’t need. There could come a time when you need that money for something more important. While you might hate being stifled like this, sometimes you just have to be conservative.


Your card: Queen of Pentacles

This is a great time to be there for your friends. This week, cook them dinner or lend them your favorite jacket. If someone you know needs money, you could lend them that, too. Be the nurturing presence you know you are deep down.


Your card: Temperance

Lean toward moderation this week. You likely hate the idea of stifling yourself like that–after all, you prefer to have limitless possibilities–but something in the universe is encouraging you to be a little quieter. If you don’t listen, you could end up in trouble.


Your card: 5 of Pentacles

You’ll be plagued by worry this week, especially if you let your flurry of anxious thoughts win you over. Just because you feel something inside, that doesn’t mean its correct. Maybe these negative thoughts are just holding you back.


Your card: Knight of Pentacles

Stick to your routine this week. All that hard work you do will be a lot easier if you don’t switch things up. And if you’re feeling stressed or burned out, devote your weekend to recharging your depleted emotional batteries.


Your card: Knight of Swords

If you want to follow your ambitions this week, you’ll have to think fast. While you can sometimes get there by carefully planning ahead, this isn’t one of those times. If you have your goals in mind, you should be able to follow them into the right choices.