A Tarot Reader Predicts What You Can Expect Before September 9
Your card: King of Swords
Rather than believing whatever anyone tells you this week, do your own investigation to find the truth. This could even be a conversation with your shadow self. Sometimes we hide things from our conscious mind. Is that you this week?
Your card: The Sun
While you sometimes find it difficult to stick with positivity, that kind of optimism will serve you well this week. Rather than falling into pessimism, soak up the warmth and happiness that keeps finding you and share it with those around you when you can.
Your card: King of Wands
Sometimes all you need to solve a problem is to talk it out, and that should be your goal this week. You’re particularly charismatic right now, according to this card, so there’s no harm in turning on the charm to get your way.
Your card: 9 of Wands
Don’t give up this week. While you may be tired and worn out, don’t listen to the part of yourself that’s encouraging you to quit or procrastinate. While it might be hard work and a bit of a struggle, it’ll be worth it in the end.
Your card: 3 of Cups
Hook up with your friends this week. Whether you’re looking for a chill hang, a Saturday night rager, or a cute little brunch moment, now’s the time to make things happen. So send out your invites in the group chat and have a great time.
Your card: 7 of Swords
Just because you like to fight for what you believe in, that doesn’t mean you should fight every battle at all costs. This week, you’re in danger of ruining relationships if you stay stubborn and combative. Make sure you’re happy with the consequences before you start your battle.
Your card: 10 of Wands
You’ve been overextending yourself lately. That’s probably why your stress levels are at an all-time high. While it might be difficult to tell people no, it’s better to decline when people ask you for help or favors this week.
Your card: 4 of Pentacles
Keep an eye on your finances this week. This isn’t the time to splurge on something, even if you’ve done the math and think you can afford it. There could be something coming soon that will need the money more.
Your card: 7 of Cups
Move through this week with intention. If you spend your time blindly, you could be missing out on something special. Instead, check in with yourself and make sure that your choices align with your purpose.
Your card: Judgement
Try to reserve judgement this week, whether it’s for others or for yourself. You might have an instinct to jump to conclusions, but you’d be doing everyone a disservice. Things aren’t always as they seem and motivations might not be what you thought they were.
Your card: 8 of Wands
While you’d probably prefer to wait and do research before making a decision, you won’t always have that luxury. This week, you’ll have to think fast. Trust that, if you follow your heart and your instincts, you’ll be able to make the right choice in the end.
Your card: The World
Time to celebrate something wonderful in your life. Perhaps you’ve just finished a big project or are preparing for an awesome travel experience. Celebrating these little moments is half the fun, so don’t let this time pass you by.