Are You Salty Or Sweet Based On Your Zodiac?
Have you been accused of being too salty before? You know, a little cheeky, rude, and even bitter sometimes. Or are you someone who is accused of being too sweet? You’re probably a people pleaser and live off of the validation of others. Maybe you’ve been both sometimes, making you a little sour patch kid combination. As with all things, we can look to our zodiac signs to place blame on why we are the way we are, and being too salty or too sweet is no exception. Let’s see which signs are destined to be salty and which are destined to be sweet.
Aries – Salty
This should come as no surprise since Aries are typically so bold and in your face. Aries tend to be vastly intelligent, and with that intelligence can sometimes come arrogance. That arrogance will punch you in the face with saltiness if you dare cross an Aries.
Taurus – Sweet
Taureans are ruled by Venus, which is the planet of love and beauty. This means that a Taurus is typically very into the lush and lavish things in life, but also has quite a bit of love and compassion beneath that tough exterior facade they put on. Taureans are sweet once you get a chance to peel back their layers.
Gemini – Salty
Geminis can be very covert with their salt, as they typically deliver it in such a charismatic and funny way that you don’t even realize they just dumped a gallon of coarse salt in the wound. Their clever ways tend to make Geminis a bit more salty than sweet, they just know how to deliver it so you’re unsure what they actually mean.
Cancer – Sweet
Cancers are the nicest and most nurturing sign of the zodiac. They have such a mothering and loving nature that even if they don’t like you, they’ll still take care of you and help you get on your feet. This can cause them to come across as the ultimate people-pleaser though, and they tend to get walked all over for what love and caring they can provide.
Leo – Salty
The self-centered Leo is not surprisingly a little salty. It’s not so much that they dislike anyone or have disdain for anyone, it’s just that they’re always going to put themselves first and that can come across quite salty to anyone who is wanting or needing help from them.
Virgo – Sweet
Virgos are the planners and the doers of the zodiac. They will organize your drawers and clean your home for you because you mentioned that you’re having a busy week and won’t get a chance to do that. While they seem very calculated and sometimes a little cold, they have the biggest heart that makes them sweet, they just show that love through acts of service.
Libra – Sweet
Libras are heavy flirts that tend to romanticize everything in their life. They see all of their friendships and relationships with rose-colored glasses and those never come off, no matter how wrong someone else does them. Libras are too sweet and too forgiving, but eventually, they do seek out that balance and stand up for themselves.
Sagittarius – Sweet
Sagittarians are such extroverts that they aim to be friends with everyone and anyone, even those they maybe shouldn’t be friends with. Because of their playful and fun demeanor, they are desperate for everyone to like them and be in their circle that they will allow mistreatment to still be around and in someone’s life. You’re just a little too sweet, Sagittarius.
Scorpio – Salty
Scorpios aren’t one for calling people out loudly and publicly, but they will plot your downfall silently while they’re brooding in a corner. Scorpios keep their cards close to their chest, but when it’s time for them to speak up, that reserved nature gets removed and they don’t hold back at all from what they think of you.
Capricorn – Salty
With the higher intelligence comes the salt and Capricorns are so ambitious and cunning that they’re practically rolling in the salt. Capricorns tend to be incredibly sarcastic, and the sarcasm bites hard. They are also not afraid to call you out when you are doing something they find wrong or dumb.
Aquarius – Salty
Aquarians typically have a really hard time expressing themselves. They have so many different thoughts and feelings that can be conflicting, so they suppress those feelings and keep them in an airtight bottle inside. This means that whenever that bottle does leak, it’s extra salty and they let out all of those shoved-down feelings. Maybe learn to let it out sometimes, Aquarius.
Pisces – Sweet
Aside from Cancer, Pisces are the most emotional sign of the zodiac. They wear their heart on their sleeve and will pour everything they have into their friendships and relationships. No matter how poorly someone else treats them, Pisces will continue to treat them with high regard because they don’t want to stoop to the lower level. Sometimes it’s okay to be salty even though you’re a natural sweetie.