Alex Hecht
Quotes rule my life. I write them down all over; I think of them constantly. I contemplate getting them permanently etched into my skin, but there are too many that mean too much. The words would overlap over each other until they were illegible. So, I am stuck with paper and pencil, or fingers and a keyboard.
Articles by
Alex Hecht

I Still Dream Of You, But It Doesn’t Make Me Sad Anymore

The Truth Is, I’m Still Not Ready To Face Reality After Losing You

Love Is A Shattering Addiction

This Is The Difference Between Loneliness And Being Alone

This Is What It Means To Fill Your Own Cup

Seeing The World In Technicolor

There Are 2 Types Of People: Those Who Make Life Happen And Those Who Let Life Happen To Them

Reminder: You Shouldn’t Have To Convince Someone To Love You

Live Your Life (Not Your Social Media Life)