Each Zodiac Sign’s One Card Tarot Reading For January 17, 2024
Here is your one card tarot reading for January 17th, 2024.
Your Card: Page Of Wands
Aries, you are going to be full on inspiration today, particularly regarding some sort of new journey or project. You can literally feel the buzz of opportunity radiating throughout your body. You are ready to give whatever your goal is your everything. Today’s the day you start!
Your Card: Ace Of Cups
Taurus, love and compassion will be deeply abundant today, and these energies will be best channeled into creative endeavors. The Ace Of Cups invites you to open your heart to the call to create today. Be sure to answer it.
Your Card: The Fool
Gemini, you are embarking on some sort of new beginning today. The Fool is a reminder to you that it’s okay to be new at something, to enjoy the process, and to embrace the fresh start.
Your Card: The Lovers
Cancer, there is some choice that is going to present itself to you today. In order to make the best decision possible, check in with yourself about what your values are and what you know to be true to you. This will lead you to the most aligned outcome possible.
Your Card: Four Of Wands
Leo, you received the Four Of Wands, a card that is encourages celebration with loved ones. Consider inviting your most supportive friends and family over for dinner or drinks today as a show of appreciation.
Your Card: Two Of Pentacles
Virgo, balance is going to be absolutely crucial today. You most likely have a busy schedule at the moment, which means prioritization is key. Do what you can, delegate what you can’t, and roll with the punches. Just make sure that you take care of yourself, too.
Your Card: The Magician
Libra, today is a perfect day for manifestation. Working with the energy of The Magician, it’s time to take inspired action to make your dreams come true. It is important to be crystal clear about what it is you want. A vision board or journaling can help you get that clarity.
Your Card: Ace Of Pentacles
Scorpio, today will be one of abundance. The Ace Of Pentacles implies there is some sort of new beginning for you today, one that is related to your career, finances, or other tangible goals. Now is the time to act. Karma is on your side!
Your Card: The Devil
Sagittarius, there has been something holding you back, and that something is…you. You have been in a self-sabotage cycle lately, and you’re so deep in the spiral you haven’t even realized you’ve been shooting yourself in the foot. Today is as good a day as any to look honestly at your behaviors and habits keeping you stuck. Awareness is the first step.
Your Card: The Empress
Capricorn, today will be all about nurturing yourself and embracing self-love. You work hard all the time and it’s time to give yourself a well-deserved break in the form of some time away and investment in your wellness. Consider this your sign that it’s time to slow down.
Your Card: Four Of Cups
Aquarius, you’ve been feeling rather dissatisfied with life lately. You’ve been deeply unmotivated with work, your relationships, and everything in between. Today, it’s time to dig deep to uncover the source of your frustrations and apathy. It’s time for a reroute, and you’re ready to change directions. Remember that your internal GPS will never steer you wrong; make sure to listen.
Your Card: The High Priestess
Pisces, it’s time to slow down and listen closely to your inner voice. Today, you will have the power to tap into your intuition in a profound way. New insights will reveal themselves to situations that have been weighing you down or blocking your path.