Leeloo The First

Horoscope for Today: Saturday, June 1, 2024

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It’s time to tackle all the stuff you wanted to do during the work week. At 1:57 am, the eager Aries Moon makes a sextile to jolly Jupiter, putting everyone in the mood for fun. Later, the Moon forms another supportive sextile to sultry Pluto at 2:41 am, heightening libidos and paving the way for intense flirtations. 

At 6:15 pm, the Moon’s sextile to pleasurable Venus is paves the way to an enjoyable evening—it’s a great time to find new love or celebrate an adoring relationship. Finally, a Sun-Moon sextile at 7:35 pm helps our heads and hearts to align. Suddenly, what was once a difficult decision becomes a clear choice.


It’s easy to relate to others, even people who usually annoy you. Take this opportunity to strengthen your relationship with a neighbor or relative whose beliefs are radically different. Although you’ll never see eye-to-eye, you will delight in each other’s quirks. The more varied your inner circle, the more you will grow.


Enjoy some private time with your favorite person. The emotive Moon is beaming support to Venus, your ruling planet, which is touring your sign. This makes people very receptive to your brand of charm. There’s never been a better time to lure someone special into your web of intrigue. If you’re already in a relationship, your partner will be especially attentive.


Support from friends and family helps you make an important change to your personal life. Assuming a new look, changing your name, or entering a different industry are among the possibilities. It’s such a relief to move forward after a period of stagnation. The shifts ahead will lead to exciting long-distance travel; invest in some quality luggage. 


Your career goals have undergone some big changes. In the past, you were reluctant to assume heavy responsibility. Now you welcome the opportunity to take a leadership role. This change in attitude is the result of some newly acquired skills. Now that you are more confident about your abilities, the prospect of moving up the ladder excites you. 


The change of pace you’ve been craving is now available. A close friend could invite you along on a trip or inspire you to take an advanced class. This experience will be a lot more enjoyable than you expect, especially if you are willing to follow someone else’s lead. Instead of calling the shots, be open to learn from a magnetic visionary. 


One of your sexiest qualities is your willingness to fight for your beliefs. After standing up for an important issue, several admirers will try winning your heart. Although it’s flattering to be popular, you’re only really interested in one special person. Make your feelings known. You’re about to embark on a fantastic adventure with someone who is worthy of you. Congratulations.  


After a long period of deliberation, you’re ready to make a radical change. Bystanders will be astonished by your choice, which makes the change even sweeter. Whether you break off a predictable romance or launch a creative project, you’ll be glad you moved in a new direction. Money from a legal settlement makes this transition even easier. 


Getting some exercise is a refreshing change of pace. Even if the weather isn’t great, you can always hit the gym or take a power walk in the mall. Don’t be surprised if you cross paths with someone who makes you laugh. Their flirtatious energy excites your imagination; it’s been a long time since you connected with your playful side. 


You’re not afraid to go after what—or who—you want. If you’ve been consumed with an idea or person, that means you can manifest it. Stop listing reasons why it’s silly, impractical or unreasonable to get what you want. Instead, act as if your dream has been realized. You are the creator of your own reality. Claim your power today. 


It’s time to clear the air at home. A difficult domestic situation can be resolved, but only if you are honest about your feelings. Be honest about how another person’s inconsiderate behavior has been affecting you. If a relative, roommate, or neighbor won’t change their ways, you’ll have an opportunity to move to a much better place, thanks to an upcoming raise. 


You’ve changed your opinion about a neighbor or close relative. As a result, it’s much easier to cope with their quirks. This illustrates an important principle about manifestation. The more you appreciate the world around you, the easier it is for abundance to flow into your life. If there’s a situation you’d like to improve, dwell on its positive aspects as much as possible. 


Obey an impulse to buy something expensive for your home. This item will give you years of enjoyment. In retrospect, you’ll feel this purchase was one of the best you ever made. Are you dreaming of buying a place? Someone with great connections can direct you to a great deal. Keep this deal under wraps; you don’t want anyone to outbid you at the last minute.