Roberto Nickson

Horoscope for Today Wednesday, August 28, 2024

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Bewilderment reigns as the planets square off from every corner of the sky. A harsh angle between the Gemini Moon and Venus in Virgo at 1:50 am causes all sorts of romantic misunderstandings. Attempts to clarify matters fail miserably due to the Moon-Neptune square at 3:14 am. At 4:47 am, Luna moves into moody Cancer, creating all sorts of hurt feelings.

The Sun’s sextile to the Moon at 3:50 pm makes it easier to reach compromises and tie up loose ends at work. Personal relationships are still a source of disappointment, though, due to expectant Venus’s opposition to deluded Neptune. Relief finally arrives at the end of the business day, when Mercury goes direct at 5:14 pm, replacing confusion with clarity.


It’s almost impossible to make progress at work. Don’t work on a project if you lack critical information. Wait until you have reliable facts. In the meantime, focus on getting fresh air and exercise. Even taking a brisk walk can clear brain fog. If you’re not sure how to approach a love interest, be patient. Inspiration will strike this evening.


You’re uncertain how to pay a big debt. Don’t beat yourself up for indulging your love of beauty. For you, gorgeous possessions are necessities, not luxuries.  A brilliant idea for making money will arrive while you’re performing a routine task. Jot down this brainwave, as it can generate a lot more wealth than you expect. You might also find money while tidying your home this evening.


It feels like you’re being pulled in two directions. No matter where you turn, people aren’t satisfied. Domestic responsibilities require you to spend less time at work, while professional duties are eating into your private life. It may be time to hire an assistant or nanny. Choose someone who has a warm communication style. 


You’ve been thrust into the shadows by an egocentric relative. Never fear; people will soon see that you’re the one who is truly talented and capable. Soon, you’ll be asked to take over an important project. Don’t make travel reservations yet. You’ll get better rates on airfares and hotel rooms in mid-September.  


Overspending can get you in trouble. It’s best to err on the side of economy today. If you’re in a lot of debt, it’s time to make a repayment plan. With a little discipline and a lot of humor, you can repair your credit rating. If you recently made a bad impression on a love interest, don’t worry. You can repair the damage later tonight. 


An authority figure is threatened by your popularity. They lack your way with words, as well as your profound intelligence. Don’t try to cover up your natural gifts. Instead, continue to behave normally. Laugh off any petty criticism you get from your superior. A well-connected friend will recommend you for a better job. Resigning from your current position will feel like sweet revenge.


An unfair decision is making you upset. You can’t stand seeing a villainous person get away with abusive behavior. Don’t take a stand just yet. Wait, listen, and look instead. There will be a changing of the guard at the highest level of power. When this happens, restitution will be made to people who were harmed by a bad decision. 


A resourceful person like you doesn’t like spending money on things that seem wasteful. Stop feeling pressured to maintain the same lifestyle as a friend. Although this person seems very wealthy, their debts are probably enormous. Keep following your own instincts, which will let you know when to treat yourself to the occasional luxury. 


Your best friend or romantic partner may be envious of all the favorable attention you have been getting. Don’t brush off compliments; you’ve earned them. Continue to bask in the light of approval. Your confident manner will lead to a lucrative job offer or big promotion. There could be lots of travel involved with your new role.


Traveling for work will be more trouble than it’s worth. If possible, postpone a business trip until mid-September. In the event you must go, keep your mobile charged and have plenty of snacks and listening material ready. You may be in for some long waits. A love interest who ghosted you may suddenly reappear. Proceed with caution.


This isn’t a good time to take a risk. Although you’ve never been afraid to defy conventional wisdom, you do dislike losing hard-earned money. Keep your funds safe and let others put their livelihoods on the line. Although you’re not as financially fit as you’d like to be, your love life is thriving. Spend a romantic evening with the one you love.  


It’s hard for you to abandon a family tradition for the sake of a romantic relationship. Rather than trying to defend your ways, get some distance from your partner. It’s time to consider whether you’d be better off alone. You have a lot more options than you think. Don’t be surprised if you meet a better candidate for love at work.