Thought Catalog Agency

Horoscope For Today: Wednesday, May 29, 2024

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It feels like everyone is stuck in the past, making breakthroughs impossible. The visionary Aquarius Moon squares Mercury in stubborn Taurus at 4:36 am. Attempts to look on the bright side are thwarted by nay-sayers and limiting beliefs. At 6:46 am, a sextile between the Moon and aggressive Mars prompts a demand for action that will fall on deaf ears, thanks to a square between Luna and unpredictable Uranus at 10:20 am.

Everyone will get tired of swimming against the tide at 8:33 pm, when the Moon moves into receptive Pisces. We should resist the urge to beat ourselves up for not doing enough tonight when the Moon squares off with excessive Jupiter at 10:12 pm. Cultivate contentment, no matter where you are or what you’re doing. It’s the fastest way to trigger change.


Complaining about your financial situation won’t improve it. Dwelling on negative thoughts only pinches you off from the Universe’s endless abundance. If you can’t summon good feelings about money, focus on a subject that does make you happy. When your resistance to life eases, prosperity flows. Return to your happy place every time you catch yourself obsessing over funds. Things will improve when you entertain thoughts that make you feel good. 


People aren’t interested in your unique attributes. They want you to fit in with the crowd. Instead of caving into pressure, keep doing you. Let haters make nasty comments; they’re just digging themselves deeper into misery. When you feel misunderstood, retreat to a private place where you can regroup. Repeat soothing affirmations like “I am perfect just the way I am.” Your subconscious just needs to hear it to believe it. 


Isolating yourself from your crew does more harm than good. If you’re dealing with an unsupportive social circle, try making some new connections. Join a group dedicated to one of your favorite hobbies, sports, or activities. Get involved with a volunteer organization. When you are surrounded by people who share your positive outlook, you can move mountains. Until then, give yourself permission to slack off for a few hours. 


It feels like you misplaced your trust in someone. Be wary about giving this individual a second chance. This decision will give your subconscious a negative message about what you will tolerate. Instead, set the bar higher for how people will treat you and don’t waver from that standard. When you stand up for yourself like this, people who are worthy of your company will show up. It’s a matter of persistence. 


You’re feeling resistance from someone who should be on your team. Instead of trying to win over this person, make a strategic retreat. Do a deep dive into your area of expertise. This could involve anything from adding images to your Pinterest to doing some independent research. By the time you emerge from this rabbit hole, the other party will get their act together. At that point, you can move forward with their full support. 


People with more power and experience are skeptical about your abilities. Instead of trying to prove yourself to them, continue to develop your own distinctive style. Soon, fellow visionaries will recognize your value and champion your work. If it feels like you’re caught in a transition period, you’re right. Have faith that you will emerge victorious from this challenge. You’re too smart to give your power away to critics. 


Don’t hesitate to defend yourself against childish accusations. Someone who is jealous of your intelligence may claim you’re passing off other people’s work as your own. Instead of panicking, give a condescending smile, then show all your previous drafts and research. While you’re at it, imagine your detractor’s voice getting weaker and weaker until nobody can hear it. The effect is like sprinkling salt on a snail. 


Some profound personal changes could manifest themselves in your physical surroundings. Whether you’re dealing with a clogged toilet or a flooded basement or a cracked foundation, stay calm. Imagine yourself barefoot on a beautiful grassy plain. Feel the sunlight on your shoulders and smell the rich scent of earth. At that point, you’ll not only find money for repairs, but you’ll also move away from a toxic situation.


Stop letting other people drain your resources, even if you are fond of them. Trying to buy someone’s affection is ultimately a losing proposition for everyone involved. If someone asks you for a loan, politely turn down their request. Then, imagine your friend solving their financial problems on their own. Refuse to see or treat them as poor, struggling, or stuck. When you have faith in others, it’s easy for them to tap into their personal power. 


If you feel like life is spiraling out of control, clean out a drawer. Clear some items out of the closet. Organize your desk. By turning your attention to your immediate physical environment, your subconscious will start solving bigger problems. It’s an effective technique that works for everything from making more money to finding love to selling property. If your workload is impacting your health, take a day off. 


A disruptive home situation doesn’t have to be a source of stress. Let it be the inspiration for your next big move. A casual check of real estate listings could turn up an ideal property for the person you’ve recently become. It will be such a relief to go about your life in a space that is reflects your hopes, dreams, and desires. Be as specific as possible, down to the fixtures, carpets, and materials. 


Memories from the past could make you feel bad about yourself. Don’t let this happen. Be your own cheerleader, even if it feels delusional at first. The more you affirm simple but true statements like “I am worthy,” “I am a good person,” and “I am beautiful,” the faster your self-concept will change. Resist the temptation to buy into a toxic relative’s version of you. Their anger and self-hatred is not your problem.