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How Each Zodiac Can Look Inward This Scorpio Season, According To A Tarot Reader

Scorpios are known for keeping their innermost workings to themselves. They’re the mysteries of the zodiac more for how they appear to others. When it comes to what they know of themselves, they’re full of insights. This Scorpio season, October 23 to November 21, each zodiac sign benefits from Scorpio vibes. Here’s how you’ll look inward this Scorpio season, thanks to the tarot cards.


Your card: 10 of Pentacles

While some might be surprised about this considering how impulsive and spontaneous you are, deep down you crave security. You want your life to feel secure, especially when it comes to money. Spend Scorpio season working on feeling safer.


Your card: 2 of Swords

Deep down, you’re a master of avoidance. If there’s a tough decision you need to make, you’ll do anything in your power to avoid making it entirely. This Scorpio season, get to the root of why you’re avoiding something.


Your card: Knight of Pentacles

While you like the idea that people think you’re a whirling dervish of chaos, deep down you thrive on routine. You might just keep this a secret part of yourself because it would otherwise kill the mystique. This Scorpio season, live for the routine of it all.


Your card: 9 of Wands

Some people (who clearly don’t know you very well) think you’re too emotional. What they don’t know is that you’re actually super resilient deep down. This Scorpio season, show everyone just how hardcore you can be.


Your card: 7 of Pentacles

It might seem like you only care about the present, but you actually have one eye on the future and what you could create with it. This Scorpio season, share some of your ideas for the next few years with people you love and trust.


Your card: 5 of Wands

While you may seem serene on the outside, you’re often waging imaginary wars in your mind. If you have someone you’re feuding with, you’ll be arguing with them in your head for hours. This Scorpio season, try not to hold onto so much negativity.


Your card: 7 of Swords

You’re often at war with yourself in your own mind, two or more opposing opinions vying to be the one you focus on. This Scorpio season, cut yourself some slack and don’t put so much stock in the loud parts of your mind.


Your card: Ace of Wands

Happy Scorpio season! It’s your time to shine. This month, follow the creative whims that often come to you when you least expect them. You may come away with something truly remarkable.


Your card: Knight of Swords

Some don’t realize how truly ambitious you can be. You aren’t choosing your life based on a whim, though it may look that way to others. This Scorpio season, let someone you care about know the method to your madness.


Your card: 6 of Swords

Deep down, you love change. You see is it as a release from the things that have been holding you back and a new opportunity to improve. This Scorpio season, initiate that change if you’re feeling stagnant.


Your card: Ace of Pentacles

You have so much power at your disposal if you just reached deep inside and used it. This is especially the case when it comes to your career and money. This Scorpio season is the perfect time to make professional moves that will get you the raise you deserve.


Your card: The Devil

Whether you’ll admit it or not, you’re often swayed by vice. Why do the “right” thing when you can have a little fun? This Scorpio season, make sure to think about the actual consequences before you give in to temptation.