How You Express Affection, According To Your Zodiac Sign
How we each express affection reveals so much about our feelings towards another person. It doesn’t matter if it’s as small as gifting your loved ones a home-made cupcake or surprising them with a last-minute trip to Cancun–the gestures we make to our friends, family members, and significant others serve as a direct extension of our love and emotional devotion. While each of us goes about expressing this love in our own unique way, we all tend to fall into set categories regarding our affectionate actions, allowing our emotional feelings to take numerous shapes and forms.
Never one to lie back and wait for things to happen, Aries always opt for the direct approach when it comes to their romantic feelings. Buzzing around their significant others like a lovesick honey bee, Aries will make their affectionate emotions crystal-clear almost from the very get-go, never wasting a moment to prove their love and show you how much they care (typically through plenty of texts and/or invitations to hang out).
When Taureans have found someone, they instantly want that person to know how greatly they matter to them. As a result, they often try to reward their partners any way they can, whether through random presents, expensive date nights, or a meaningful phone conversation late in the evening. Though they might struggle to vocalize their intricate emotions, the attention you receive from a Taurean tells you all you need to know about what they’re thinking and feeling.
Gemini might initially appear picky when it comes to their potential romantic partners, but that’s only because they’re looking for a relationship worthy of their time and energy. Once they’ve found someone who matters to them, they’ll go out of their way to spend as much time with that person as possible, using every minute of their free-time to communicate with their significant other. Prioritizing communication above all else, they’ll want to know every little detail about their partner’s life, engaging in heart-to-heart conversations on a consistently regular basis.
Given their nurturing sensitivity, a Cancer is always ready to support their loved ones during the most difficult of situations. Making themselves available at all hours of the day, a Cancer will be the first person to call you during times of extreme hardship or personal crises. When they notice something’s wrong, they’ll invite you along to a laidback get-together or a lax hangout, encouraging you to forget about your worries until the next positive thing comes along to lift your spirits.
Leos prefer displaying their emotions in a clear and understandable way. In terms of their affection, that involves them publicly declaring their emotional sentiments, allowing their significant other to feel as awe-inspiringly important as possible. Fawning over their loved ones and dousing them in lavish gifts, you’ll never feel unappreciated whenever you begin spending time with a Leo.
As someone who values organization and attention to detail, a Virgo will use their meticulous mindsets to improve the lives of those closest to them. If they overhear you complaining about your shoes, they’ll get you a more supportive pair as a surprise present. If they notice your sink is backing up, they’ll readily get to work making sure it drains properly. Taking every chance they can to fix a faulty situation, a Virgo prefers speaking through helpful acts of generosity rather than relying on mere words alone.
Whenever you think a Libra is pulling away, they introduce some small act of kindness to show you that they’re still actively thinking of you. Bending over backwards to make sure that their significant others are content, a Libra will always find new and creative ways to bring a sense of harmony to their relationships. Whether surprising their dates with a hansom cab ride through a park or sending a postcard from their vacation overseas, a Libra delights in showering their partners with gifts whenever and wherever they can.
Bringing a tremendous amount of intensity to almost every aspect of their life, a Scorpio’s love can almost be intimidating when it’s focused solely on you. To them, the ultimate sign of respect is paying attention to their partner’s wants and needs, ensuring they’re as comfortable as possible in their prospective relationships. Probing into their lovers’ personal lives and professional lives with a non-stop barrage of questions, a Scorpio will want to know every small detail of your past, including where you went to school, who your best friend in fourth grade was, what your mother’s favorite snack is, etc.
For a Sagittarius, life is all about adventure, leaving behind the predictability of their comfort zones and exploring exciting new locations. As a sign always ready for a last-minute trip to Europe, Asia, or some remote island in the Pacific, a great indication that you’re on a Sagittarian’s good side is when they invite you to join them on their travels. Of course, you’ll also have to be ready to drop everything at a moment’s notice, as Sagittarians are all about the present and using every second to live life to its fullest (preferably alongside someone they care about).
Like their fellow earth signs in Virgo, Capricorns love to feel useful, spending their time and energy committed to ambitious endeavors. When it comes to their relationships, a Capricorn will never shy away from hard work, hiking long distances to make sure a project comes to completion. If you call them up during a snowstorm and ask to borrow their shovel, a Capricorn will immediately come over and single-handedly clear a perfect path down your driveway. If you ask their advice on choosing a paint color for your living room, they’ll wind up painting the whole room right alongside you. A faithful friend that’s always by your side, you can always count on a Capricorn going the extra mile through their kind-hearted gestures.
An Aquarian has trouble putting complex thoughts and feelings into words. Typically holding their partner at a distance, they’re nevertheless ready for an engaging conversation, challenging their loved ones’ viewpoints and focusing on the larger questions of the universe. From ruminating about ongoing political situations to pondering existential issues, an Aquarius is always looking for someone to have an intellectual dialogue with, valuing their partners’ minds and listening to every talking point they bring to the table.
Maintaining a taut connection to the world around them, Pisces somehow manage to find a way to transport their partners to the ethereal realm they’re known for inhabiting. Treating their significant others like valuable creative muses, a Pisces will look to their partners as a source of inspiration in their artistic works, dedicating a song, poem, or short story to their lover’s name. Patient, understanding, and always ready to provide a shoulder to cry on, a Pisces will always try to make their partners feel important, pinpointing the inner spark that lights everyone’s life around them.