“I Will Fight For You Until…” Based On Their Zodiac Sign
I will fight for you until you act indifferent. Aries are all about passion, so they need to know that you genuinely care, that you are wildly in love with them and are excited to spend forever together. If you stop caring whether the relationship works or fails, then it’s already over.
I will fight for you until you take advantage of me. Taurus are willing to do anything for their loved ones, but they expect their kindness to be appreciated. Not to be taken advantage of. If someone uses their sweetness against them to get what they want, that’s not the type of relationship they want to be in.
I will fight for you until you throw insults at me. Geminis expect you to remain respectful, even when you’re in arguments with them or are upset with them. If you say something horrible, you will never be able to take it back. And they will never be able to forget it.
I will fight for you until you show interest in someone else. Cancers are willing to forgive a lot of things because they are gentle and understanding — but they won’t tolerate you having feelings for someone else. They won’t enter a competition for your love.
I will fight for you until mistreat my friends and family. If you hurt a Leo, they might be able to accept your apology and forgive you. But if you say something nasty about a loved one or do something to hurt a loved one, they are going to be done with you automatically.
I will fight for you until you stop fighting for me. Leos are as loyal as they come, but they aren’t going to lower their standards and chase after someone who isn’t willing to put the same effort in for them. If it’s one-sided, it’s already over.
I will fight for you until you keep making the same mistakes. Libra are willing to forgive you once, but if you keep hurting them in the same ways over and over, they aren’t going to give you unlimited passes. They aren’t going to keep letting history repeat itself for no reason.
I will fight for you until you break my trust. Scorpios are wary of love, so they need to believe that you have their best interest in mind, that you are on their side, that you aren’t going to shatter their heart. If they can’t trust you anymore, then they won’t want to look at you anymore.
I will fight for you until you stop treating me like a priority. Sagittarius are hard workers, so they’re willing to do whatever it takes to keep the relationship intact. But if their partner is putting other things ahead of the relationship, and acting like their love doesn’t matter, then they’ll have no choice but to leave.
I will fight for you until you hide the truth from me. Capricorns can’t fix a problem that they don’t know exists. They need communication in order to function as a couple. If you won’t tell them how you’re really feeling and start hiding secrets, there’s nothing they can do to save the relationship anyway, so why bother?
I will fight for you until you make me choose between you and my dreams. Aquarius want to have it all. They want a healthy relationship and their dream career. Which is why they need a partner who supports and encourages them. If you act like they need to choose one over the other, then they’ll choose to stay single.
I will fight for you until you want to leave. Pisces will do anything to make you happy, and that includes letting you go. If you’re really ready to leave, they aren’t going to try to talk you out of your decision. They won’t argue with you or guilt-trip you. They’ll say goodbye.