“I Will Only Marry You If…” Based On Their Zodiac Sign
I will only marry you if you give me space to be my own person.
Aries don’t want to feel like their partner is anchoring them down. They want to pursue the same passions and hobbies they had before entering a relationship. They need someone who trusts them enough to give them space, who doesn’t doubt their loyalty or love.
I will only marry you if you take my feelings into consideration before making decisions.
Taurus want to be involved in your life. They don’t want to be told that they’re being dragged to a party or event. They want to be asked. They want to be included in your decisions. They want you to respect their opinion enough to get their input first.
I will only marry you if you make my life less stressful.
Geminis don’t want to deal with drama. They want a partner who makes them feel calmer and more comfortable, not someone who is always sparking fights and causing unnecessary problems. Geminis want to feel like their partner is lifting a weight off of them, not dropping more on.
I will only marry you if you get along with the people that I consider family.
This might refer to their blood relatives or to their closest friends, but either way, a Cancer won’t let you into their family unless they feel like you fit in well with everyone else. If you’re always butting heads and can’t be in the same room, you aren’t the one.
I will only marry you if you continue caring as much as you did in the beginning.
Leos love being spoiled — and they expect this behavior to continue throughout the relationship. They don’t want you to get too comfortable and stop trying a few years (or even months) in. They want you to keep up the good work.
I will only marry you if you help me grow.
Virgos are all about self-growth. They want a partner who will bring out the best in them. A partner who is going to encourage them to reach their wildest dreams and support them along their journey. They won’t settle for anything less.
I will only marry you if you make me feel comfortable showing my authentic self.
Libras are people-pleasers, so they occasionally play pretend — but they don’t want a relationship where they feel pressured to hide their feelings or straight out lie. They don’t want to tiptoe around you. They need to know you love the real them and don’t expect them to change.
I will only marry you if you’re honest with me about the big and little things.
Scorpios always have their guards up. It takes a long time to develop trust with them, but you can break that trust in an instant. They need to know that you aren’t going to hurt them. That you mean every word that comes out of your mouth. No little white lies allowed.
I will only marry you if you do your fair share of the work.
Sagittarius are ambitious. They aren’t afraid of putting effort into a relationship. But they aren’t going to be the only ones trying. They need you to pull your weight. They need you to meet them halfway.
I will only marry you if you are picturing the same type of future as me.
Capricorns think in the long-term. They don’t want to wake up one morning and realize you want a completely different type of life than they do. They need assurance that you’re on the same page, now and later. That you want to live in the same place, have the same amount of children, and so on.
I will only marry you if you can stay strong during the bad times.
Life isn’t always going to be sunshine and roses, so Aquarius don’t want a partner who is going to crumble under pressure or run away at the first signs of trouble. They need to know you will support them through the worst times, that you can stomach some rough stuff.
I will only marry you if you share your feelings with me.
Pisces don’t want to be left wondering how you feel. They want to know what’s running through your head, even if it’s embarrassing or awkward to admit. They need you to trust them enough to confide in them about anything and everything because they want to be there for you.