
Key Things To Secure Before You Turn 27, Based On Your Zodiac Sign

If you’re looking for new goals to add to your bucket list, your zodiac sign can provide guidance unique to you. The planets that rule each zodiac sign help to dictate a sign’s individual personality, strengths, and weaknesses; they can also help determine your values in life. According to your sign, there are a few key things you’ll want to have by the time you turn 27.


Confident, assertive, career-driven, passionate, competitive

Aries, you’re a self-starter – that’s for sure. Your ruling planet is Mars: the planet of action, drive, and courage. This headstrong red planet guides your life in many ways; your determination to succeed is a gift that sun signs ruled by Mars receive. Mars also tends to have the strongest influence over your professional life.

By the time you turn 27, you should be established in your career. Aries sun signs are most likely to enjoy working in positions where they have authority; whether you prefer managing people or projects, your fire-sign mind and confident nature makes you best suited for professional success. You’re a natural-born leader, so you might find yourself excelling in leadership roles at work or taking on a small business of your own. If you’re an Aries entrepreneur, your business should be off the ground by your 27th birthday. Respect from your professional peers and authority in your career is something you should strive for before that birthday rolls around.

If you’re not terribly work-minded, never fear; there’s still a few more things for you to check off the list by the time you’re 27. Aries, start a new bucket list for yourself full of adventures to have by the time you’ve turned 27. You should have traveled to several new places – especially those outside of your comfort zone – and picked up new hobbies you never thought you would try. Even if you end up not loving all of the experiences you’ve had, you can remain confident heading into your 27th year thanks to all of the new things you’ve discovered about yourself. Use the time until your 27th birthday to focus on shaping your independence and identity. The experiences you seek and the dedication you give to your passions will help you grow. You’ll be well-prepared with knowledge about yourself and your identity long before you hit your third decade.


Dependable, patient, practical, loyal, grounded

Taurus, your need for stability means that you should be keen on investing in your own future. Your ruling planet, Venus, is known for being the planet of beauty and love – but it’s also most influential over your finances. Venus can be a little materialistic every once in a while, but that’s not a bad thing; Taurus sun signs are practical enough to find an easy balance between their love of material things and their need for financial security.

Taurus, by the time you turn 27, you should have established your own finances as best you can. Start investing, because by the time you turn 27, you’ll want a reliable source of income; you may consider seeking a stable job, starting a new savings account (or two), and figuring out your long-term financial goals. Whether you want to buy a house or start a business, having a clear idea of what you’re going to do with all your hard-earned money is something you’ll need before your 27th birthday.

Already financially focused? No problem. Planet Venus has a little more to say about what you should have before you turn 27. Taurus, thanks to Venus, you’re known for enjoying luxury and comfort. You should have developed your own personal style by the time you turn 27; invest those funds you’re so careful with into clothing, furniture, and other items that make you happy. Design your dream house, dream wardrobe, or focus all your energy on collecting Fabergé eggs – whatever you fancy, Taurus, make it happen. Your 27-year-old self will thank you.


Curious, witty, intellectual, communicative, social

Gemini, you’re a thoughtful and smart individual. You might even be a jack of all trades; your ruling planet, Mercury, gives you a wide variety of strengths. You’re known for your wonderful communication skills (that’s thanks to the blue planet of communication herself, by the way) and your love of learning. 

By the time you turn 27, you should have accomplished something in your field that signifies your dedication to your own curiosity. Whether it’s a college degree you’re after, a research study you’ve always dreamed of studying, or a certificate for a class you’ve been putting off, make sure your 27-year-old self has it. Don’t worry, Gemini, this isn’t something you’ll need to spend money on if you don’t want to – your pursuit of knowledge can come in many forms. As long as you’ve spent some time satisfying your intellectual side in the way you know best, your future self will thank you – whether you’re an award-winning author, celebrating finishing your GED, or finally completing that online calculus course. 

While you’re busy honing your genius, Gemini, you may also want to consider collecting a solid group of friends to rely on before your 27th birthday. You’re a social person, and you may find yourself constantly surrounded by new relationships – why not take the opportunity to form a good support circle for yourself? Planet Mercury is the driving force behind your social nature, and she won’t be satisfied until you use those communication skills she’s given you to surround yourself with people that will make your 27th a little bit brighter. 


Intuitive, nurturing, sentimental, imaginative, empathetic

Cancer, are you used to people referring to you as an empath or, perhaps, a ‘sensitive soul’? You’re the sun sign most known for your emotions; and that’s definitely not a bad thing. You’re a kind, caring sun sign – but that’s not a surprise, given your ruling planet is the Moon. The Moon controls the human subconscious and is a guiding, nurturing planet; your connection with others and natural intuition is thanks to the Moon’s influence. 

By the time you turn 27, you should have developed a solid self-care routine. Cancer, you spend a lot of time nurturing the other people in your life, but your empathy doesn’t always come back around. Cancer sun signs are often prone to stress and anxiety; you’ll need to focus on prioritizing your own emotional, mental, and physical health before you can keep helping those around you. Set some goals for your own wellbeing and make sure you learn how to stick to them before your 27th birthday – you’ll be able to enjoy a less-stress life style as you head into your thirties.

Cancer, before you celebrate your 27th birthday, you should focus on having some adventures of your own. Now is the right time for you to push the boundaries on your comfort zone and use what you learn about yourself to pursue new growth. As a Cancer sign, you might find yourself struggling to try new things or feel hesitant when taking risks. Fortunately, your twenties are the perfect time for you to expand your horizons. After all, your ruling Moon will be watching over you wherever you wind up.


Bold, confident, ambitious, charismatic, expressive

Leo, you’re a flamboyant sign that knows how to make a statement. It makes sense that your ruling planet is the bright and blinding Sun; you’re known amongst the signs for your self-expression, which is all thanks to the Sun itself. Your love of luxury and keen eye for fashion are a perfect match for the Sun’s fiery rule. 

Leo, by the time you turn 27, you should definitely have taken the opportunity to indulge yourself of all the finer things in life that catch your eye. Whether you prefer to travel to exotic locations or spend your time shopping for high-end fashion and tech, don’t hold yourself back. Your sense of self-expression is unique to your sign, so allow yourself to express your identity in the best and brightest way you possibly can.

You should also take the time to focus on receiving recognition for your career efforts and personal accomplishments by the time you turn 27. You may seek out professional certificates, promotions, academic awards, and a strong network of supporters to cheer you on before your 27th birthday rolls around. Leo signs rarely turn down a good bit of praise, and you should focus on making sure your efforts in life will be rewarded. Take the opportunity to boost your confidence and sense of self-worth by seeking a way to be recognized for your talents; whether you’re keen on showing off a hobby that’s special to you or want your boss to recognize your work, recognition for something you care about is something that is essential for you to achieve by the time you turn 27.


Analytical, practical, organized, reliable, modest

Virgo, your ever-adaptable and practical nature makes you a sun sign many people recognize they can rely on. Mercury is your ruling planet, and she’s kind enough to lend you your ability to adapt to any situation (not to mention your flawless organizational skills). 

Virgo, by the time you turn 27, you should have put your practicality to use and complete a personal project of your own. Since planet Mercury is the planet of communication, you could use your ruling planet to your advantage by writing a book or starting an independent business. Or you could put your organizational skills to the test by re-organizing your house, constructing a new workspace, or designing your dream room. By the time you turn 27, Virgo, you’ll want a major project you can be proud of – something that gives you confidence in your sign’s unique skills.

You’ve also got some hard work ahead of you before your 27th approaches. Virgo, you’re the sign that tends to value community service the most. Before you turn 27, you should take the time to use your reliability to help your own community; volunteering and community service are a great way for you to develop your own sense of identity and feel confident in your skills. Working charitably for a field you care about will provide new meaning to your daily life and give you the opportunity to seek out personal growth. 


Charming, diplomatic, artistic, social, romantic

Libra, you’re a romantic sign for sure. Your sign is ruled by planet Venus, the planet of love – and Venus has dedicated its romantic side exclusively to you! You may also find yourself drawn to the arts; this is also thanks to planet Venus, who typically draws inspiration from creative activities.

By the time you turn 27, you should have a stable romantic life. Don’t worry, Libra, there’s no need to rush headfirst into a relationship if you don’t want to. But your romantic nature means that you’ll find serious benefit in determining your love life’s path. Take the time to figure out what you want from romance. You can use the time before your 27th birthday to develop a strong romantic relationship with a life partner or just keep working on figuring yourself out. After all, Libra, you might find peace on your own; self-love is romantic, too! Regardless, your older self will thank you for putting in the hard work so you can be romantically satisfied in the future.

Libra, you’ll also want to take the time before your 27th hits to find a creative outlet you enjoy. You’re an artistic person, so take the opportunity to dedicate yourself even more to the arts you’re already pursuing or take on a new artistic challenge. You might find your artistic side enjoys unconventional arts you haven’t tried before – pick up an improv class, go sling around some clay, or try folk dancing. It’s likely that you’ll find that allowing your creative side some room to explore will help you feel refreshed, inspired, and at ease.


Mysterious, magnetic, loyal, determined, complex

Scorpio, you are ruled by planet Mars – although you technically receive some help from the ex-planet Pluto, making you a complex and unique sign. Planet Mars gives you your determination and loyalty, but Pluto has gifted you with your sign’s special mystique and power. 

Scorpio, you should take the time before you turn 27 to cultivate your spiritual side and intuition. Scorpios are traditionally known for psychic powers and visions, and the Scorpio sun sign itself is steeped in myth – fitting for a mysterious person like you! You may enjoy taking the time to explore different spiritual practices or just reflect on your own values. Whether you’re into collecting crystals, reading folklore, or just learning how to meditate, your natural intuition is a powerful thing. You should take as much time as you can to develop it and allow it to serve you later in life.

Additionally, you should take some time to develop your own sense of style by the time you turn 27. Whether or not you’re into cultivating an expansive wardrobe, your style is reflected in many ways. As a Scorpio, you might find yourself into intriguing aesthetics or even darker decorative themes. Lean into what you love, Scorpio – your tastes are most likely to fall outside fashion trends, but consider that a good thing. Taking the time to develop a style you feel truly expresses yourself will last much longer than just a single fashion season.  


Adventurous, philosophical, independent, optimistic, outspoken

Sagittarius, your free spirit and wise nature come from planet Jupiter. This wise and spiritual planet guides your adventurous personality to new heights – Sagittarius, if you find yourself with an affinity for language-learning or traveling, you can thank Jupiter for that. When Jupiter’s influence rolls around in the cosmic calendar, Sagittarius signs may find themselves blessed with good luck and fortune.

You’re by far the most adventurous sign on the list – Sagittarius, if you’re into astrology, you can probably already guess that you’ll need to plan an incredible adventure for yourself before you turn 27. But, Sagittarius, you should take your travel-planning seriously; go somewhere you’ve never dreamed you’d end up. Make it remote, unconventional, and even difficult; push yourself outside of your comfort zone by solo backpacking across multiple countries or disappearing into the wilderness for a few weeks. Create an adventure that allows you to feel complete freedom and satisfy your natural curiosity by the time you turn 27 – you’ll give yourself good life experience and fond memories to look back on.

If travel isn’t quite your style, Sagittarius, consider picking up some new hobbies instead. Is there something you regret not being able to do or have always wanted to try? You may find yourself feeling like you don’t have enough time to do everything you want to do, or overwhelmed with all the activities on your bucket list. Take it one step at a time, Sagittarius; pick one or two things you want to try out first and see if you like them. The great thing about trying to find new hobbies to enjoy before your 27th birthday is that you’ll have plenty of time to play around with them after your birthday is over. Get creative with it – pursue rock climbing, horseback riding, bungee jumping, learn how to speak a new language, get your pilot’s license. Go crazy, Sagittarius!


Ambitious, disciplined, patient, reserved, persevering

Capricorn, your ruling planet is Saturn. Commonly known for discipline and responsibility, Saturn tends to influence your approach to your personal and professional life with these qualities in mind. You’re typically known for your dedication and hard work, but Saturn also lends you a unique determination to achieve every goal you set for yourself.

Capricorn, your next goal to complete before your 27th birthday would be to secure yourself a comfortable, stable living space. Saturn’s influence over your sign means that you value security and reliability in your personal life; what better place to cultivate that sense of security you long for than where you live? Whether you’re hoping to rent an apartment for a while or looking to buy a house, you should strive to establish a space you can feel comfortable in by the time you turn 27. Even if you’re still saving up for a bigger move in your future, do what you can now to give yourself some security at home; reliable roommates, a cozy apartment, or family you can rely on are all great options for a comfortable living space. 

You should also consider investing in practical possessions. Your disciplined nature might mean that you don’t spend a lot on yourself, but it’s for a good cause – consider practical items that will last you a long time and serve a valuable purpose in your life. You might splurge on a good set of tools for your side business, a professional work wardrobe, or just nab some super fancy office supplies so you can quietly flex on your professional peers. Whatever adds value to your life, Capricorn, spend some money on it before your 27th birthday. Practical possessions will make achieving your goals just a little bit easier – and they’ll last long after you turn 27, too.


Innovative, eccentric, visionary, independent, unconventional

Aquarius, you’re ruled by Uranus, the planet of individuality. Congratulations – this means you’re the sign most likely to stray from convention and focus on positively influencing the environment around you. You might also find yourself interested in STEM – this is also thanks to the Uranus’s intellectual side and influence over technology. You’re eccentric in the best way possible – your unique and positive personality likely inspires those around you.

By your 27th birthday, you should have completed a personal project that is meaningful to you and helps make a difference in the world. You might consider focusing on smaller communities that will be most affected by your work; help build a school, volunteer at an animal shelter, join an environmentalism club. Additionally, your love of technology and science could have a positive effect on your community – you could also consider helping seniors with technology troubles, teaching financial literacy classes for free, or repairing old tech for school districts in need. You have the right mindset to make some serious change in the world, Aquarius – the sooner you get started, the better.

Aquarius, you should also work on finding a solid group of individuals you mesh with. If you already have a good group of friends, think outside the box and start looking for professional communities to join or volunteering networks you can connect with. Join a Facebook group related to a particular hobby or interest of yours, or start a brand new club of your own on your favorite subject. You can use your new connections to further your passion for social justice or take the opportunity to indulge your intellectual side. Book clubs, charity organizations, hiking groups, social meet-and-greets, protests…You name it, Aquarius, there’s a group out there for you to enjoy. By the time you turn 27, you’ll be able to further your goals and passions by engaging with a like-minded community of individuals that are just as dedicated and innovative as you are.


Intuitive, compassionate, dreamy, selfless, imaginative

Pisces, you’re a feeling-oriented individual that tends to approach life through your own uniquely sensitive lens. You’re ruled by Neptune, a planet that deals with dreams, illusions, and spirituality. Your kind personality is no illusion, however; although Neptune is known for being a mysterious planet, this trait tends to manifest itself in you by giving you an untamed imagination and intuition.

Pisces, by the time you turn 27, you should have completed a major art project you can use as inspiration for the other projects you take on in life. You have dreams – get ready to follow them in a way that your future self will be grateful for. Do something big that you can look to when you need to get rid of any imaginative blocks hindering your personal progress. Consider a huge painting, one-of-a-kind performance, or epic novel. Remember, Pisces, there is more than one kind of artistic expression; if you lean towards the science side of life, don’t be afraid to engineer a new innovative project you’ve been thinking about. Make it big, make it fancy, and make it something you’ve always dreamed of doing. 

You can also take some time to focus on furthering your personal growth. Pisces, you’re a feeler – this is a good thing, so don’t be afraid of your empathetic side. However, you should also take the time before your 27th to learn how to set boundaries; don’t allow yourself to take on the role of baggage-holder for other people. You’re a kind, caring soul; the relationships you foster are incredible, but don’t let others take advantage of your gentle nature. Learn to set professional and personal boundaries and your 27-year-old self will have an essential set of skills to navigate with as you continue on with the rest of your life.