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October’s Impact On Every Zodiac Sign, According To A Tarot Reader


Your Card: King of Wands

This month is about the passion you feel for yourself, the life you are currently living, and the people around you. You will gain a deeper understanding and appreciation for the connections you share, Aries. With the King of Wands, you are uncovering secrets and solving mysteries that will help you better navigate your relationships with those around you as well as the relationship you have with yourself. Remember that there is a reason we are drawn to certain people. This will start to make more sense with the New Moon and partial solar eclipse on October 2nd shifting how you navigate intimacy and connections. You will come to realize that we have much more in common with everyone else than we think. Find that commonality and let that be the fertilizer to stimulate growth. With the full moon occurring in your sign on October, 17th, this passion will move your relationships toward a much more profound connection. Then as we approach Halloween, your quest to understand people better will help you constructively address your problems.


Your Card: Five of Wands

The start of October marks the end of a honeymoon phase with either a co-worker or boss at a somewhat new job you may have started recently, a romantic relationship, or a friendship. You may start to see the flaws that you didn’t know were there to begin with (or maybe you did see the red flags but ignorance is bliss). This was emphasized by Venus opposing your sun in late September which will last until October 17th. By that point, you may find that you agree less and less with the other person causing you to focus more on your grievances than on the things that you once loved and respected about them in the beginning. Their needs and values may be at odds with your own in a way that feels like there may be no compromise. There is a lingering unspoken question as to whether or not this connection was meant to last. It’s up to you and the other person to decide if this relationship is something worth fighting for. But make sure you prioritize your physical and mental health because this conflict could cause you a great deal of stress. If stress is not dealt with healthily, it could escalate tensions and further divide you two. But the Five of Wands serves as a reminder that this shouldn’t be a you vs them scenario. It should be the two of you vs the problem. Tensions may start to ease closer to Halloween, but this is all dependent upon how you both choose to go about this conflict. If you are both unwilling to play on the same team, then it’s probably best to let it be.


Your Card: Four of Wands

First, the New Moon and partial eclipse on October 2nd may inspire you to explore a new hobby that is centered around community and gatherings. With the Four of Wands, you may feel a sense of belonging within this community. October is about finding your home away from home, Gemini. And as you become acclimated to this new environment you should have an easy time connecting with the people around you. You may find yourself making new friends as you bond over shared interests and passions. And just when you least expect it, a potential new love interest could come into your life during this time. When you meet them, it could be one of those “little did you know moments” where neither one of you could have foreseen finding the other. If not romantic, this could mean a platonic connection that feels incredibly serendipitous.


Your Card: Queen of Wands

You might find October to be a rather romantic month, Cancer. If you’re in a relationship or are talking to someone new, you may find that there is a great deal of passion between the two of you. Everything is exciting this month. If not, then October will be romantic in the sense that this is a month you will romanticize and remember fondly. It will almost feel like a movie you wish you could watch for the first time over and over again. The New Moon and partial solar eclipse on October 2nd may cause a shift in your roles within your family or close friend group. This will be an eventful month filled with mostly highs and the occasional lows but with your strong support system by your side, you have nothing to worry about. With Venus moving through your 5th house until October 17th, this will be a time when you feel content and surrounded by those you love and cherish the most. You may find yourself embodying the energy of the Queen of Wands, acting as the centerpiece of all social interactions by bringing good company together and making time for the people you care about the most.


Your Card: Queen of Cups

This month you may find yourself in a much more contemplative mood than usual, Leo. You’re always on the go, keeping yourself busy, constantly surrounded by good company and good times. One of your most endearing traits is that you always have a good story to tell. However, this month you may find the pace slowing down for the first time in a while. With the Queen of Cups, the theme of this month is personal reflection and contemplation. As we get closer and closer to the end of the year, you may find yourself profoundly reflecting on the past year. Analyzing the choices you’ve made and the experiences you’ve had that got you to this point and understanding how this year has shaped you. But at times this may become difficult for you. If you’ve made mistakes and hurt people you cared about, it seems the regret you’ve tried to outrun is catching up with you. You’re gonna have to answer to some things within yourself. This month is about being honest with yourself and deciding the kind of person you are moving forward. Then approaching the second half of October, Venus will influence your 5th House affecting potential romances. Whether you’re single and talking to someone or you’re in a committed relationship right now, this could influence you to work on yourself to not only be a better friend or lover but to also grow for yourself. I hate the term “shadow work” because it feels so “I google therapy speak and think I’m licensed to diagnose myself and other people” but that’s essentially what this month is all about for you. You’re confronting your ego and understanding your shadow side. But the Queen of Cups is a reminder to forgive yourself. Don’t be too hard on yourself. You understand where you went wrong and you’re going to do better. So be kind to yourself as you navigate this path forward.


Your Card: Ten of Wands

This month will be a continuation of themes started in September, Virgo. Lately, you find yourself more focused on the future after spending much of your time feeling lost and directionless. What’s slightly different about this month however is that you might find that initial passion and drive you harnessed in September begin to slow down a bit. You started with a bang with the New Moon on September 2nd, but the start of October may feel heavier. The Ten of Wands indicates that you are burdened with baggage that could slow your progress and upward momentum. Like Sisyphus rolling a boulder up a hill with no end, you might start to question whether your pursuits are worth the struggle. Be careful, don’t let this negative voice cause you to self-sabotage the progress you’ve made throughout September. You’re going to inevitably hit bumps on the road but take those challenges as a sign of your willingness to grow and not as a sign to give up. The Ten of Wands can also be interpreted as the burden of hope followed by disappointment. The more we desperately want a specific outcome, the more our ego suffers when we don’t attain those goals. But remember that 90% of life is just showing up while the other 10% is doing the work. You’ve already done most of the work by simply showing up for yourself every single day. The vast majority of people don’t even show up. They just give up. If you’re looking for reassurance from the universe that you’re on the right path, look no further than the eclipse of October 2nd which will influence your 2nd house of money. Unexpected financial gains may occur. This gain should give you the encouragement you need to keep fighting the good fight and never give up. The majority of this month you will be in a back- and-forth mental battle with the side of you that wants to keep going and the side that wants to give up. Like Sisyphus, you can win this upward battle by telling yourself to love the process, love the challenge, and love the journey.


Your Card: Ten of Cups

At the start of this month, the eclipse on October 2nd in your sign will encourage shifting perspectives regarding your personal belief systems and spirituality. At first, you may start to notice weird experiences or lucky chance encounters (Such as thinking about someone and then hearing from them, or thinking of a favorite song that reminds you of a meaningful time in your life and then hearing it on the radio.) and think nothing of it as more than just a coincidence. However, as you start to embrace this spiritual awakening, these coincidences will start to make more sense as you learn to connect the dots. Know that these synchronicities you may encounter serve a purpose that will aid you in your growth journey. With the Ten of Cups, this awakening and the signs the universe is sending you could be regarding your family life and sense your of personal wholeness. You will find yourself reassessing what truly matters in life. Instead of shallow pursuits that lack meaning and significance, you will realize the things you thought were important to you don’t matter in the grand scheme of life. What truly matters is family and friends. The Ten of Cups paints a wholesome picture and symbolizes the importance of cherishing the things that matter. To quote the book, the book “Into The Wild”, “Happiness only real when shared.”


Your Card: Three of Pentacles

The theme of October for you, Scorpio, is creating the change that you wish to see in the world. And with the Three of Pentacles present in your reading, you will find yourself getting down to business in pursuit of this. You may find yourself establishing goals and crafting a clear map toward attaining this. Don’t be afraid to be direct. There is a strong mercury influence that will make discussions and strong communication the focus. Your words and actions will be your best tools. Say exactly what you mean, don’t beat around the bush. Remain clear and firm. And with Venus in your sign until October 17th, your directness will catalyze many mutually beneficial social connections where you are inspired to make shit happen. The Three of Pentacles also encourages collaboration and teamwork to achieve a collective goal. Many of the people around you will be inspired by your drive to create a positive change and impact upon the world and join you on this mission. This is perfect because those you choose to align with will each have a different strength and area of expertise to bring to the table thus creating a stronger and more cohesive unit. By the end of the month, you will be well on your way toward creating the change you wish to see and providing the world with something of necessity and worth.


Your Card: Two of Swords

Overall, Sagittarius, October will be an emotionally abundant month for you filled with a sense of internal satisfaction that mirrors your external world. If life has been chaotic the past couple of months, then October is about restoring peace and balance. This theme will start to make more sense on October 9th when your ruling planet, Jupiter, begins its retrograde impacting your 7th house of partnership. This might indicate someone who you were once very close to and have since lost connection with due to disagreements, misunderstandings, or just conflicting schedules and priorities is coming back into your life. You have your reasons as to why you felt it was best that you both go your separate ways and though it was hard at first, you learned to accept it and move on. But with them returning into your life, there is a question of whether or not things have changed and if you can finally make peace and rekindle the love you both shared before. At first, you may be hesitant to engage, choosing to tread cautiously and protect your heart, but on October 18th, Venus brings with her a positive energy that stimulates love, acceptance, and forgiveness. You and this person have had enough time during your separation to truly reflect on the past and learn from it. Now that you are reunited, you both might finally be able to put aside your differences and egos to have a meaningful and productive heart-to-heart. And once you have both settled your differences, you’ll both find yourself returning to old routines as if no time has passed. And even if you both agree that it is best to just move on with your lives separately, there will be no hard feelings and you will both be able to find closure. All in all, while you’re month is filled with love in every area, this one connection will be the most profound aspect of October for you.


Your Card: Four of Cups

As indicated by the Four of Cups, this month you are unbothered by the nonsense. If other people want to be stupid, then that’s not your problem. This mindset will help you get through the first half of October and remain focused on what matters most. This time will be incredibly busy for you, Capricorn. You couldn’t find a fuck to give about the bullshit even if you tried, that’s how busy you are. With mercury influencing your 10th house from October 1st until October 12th, you will spend the first half of the month spreading yourself incredibly thin, trying to manage several tasks at once. This time might be a bit stressful but you may find yourself invigorated by the challenge. Keep in mind though, the Four of Cups is a reminder to prioritize making time to relax, take a breather, and release stress because burnout is the last thing you want. During this time, whether you realize it or not, you are putting in the work and setting solid foundations so that you can move on from the past completely and embrace your new life. In other words, you’ll work hard now and get to party harder by the end of the month. Many new and exciting opportunities will present themselves and you will embrace a new life with just enough time in the month to celebrate and enjoy Halloween before getting back to business!


Your Card: Two of Pentacles

In the first half of October, you will find yourself learning from the experiences of others. Everyone has a story to tell and a lesson to teach, Aquarius. And though you’re normally the type to march to the beat of your own drum, it is incredibly beneficial to learn from others. Every life ever lived is truly unique and remarkable in its own way and there is so much insight you can gain from others. Right now, you may need this guidance more than ever as you focus on creating a sense of balance within your own life. You’re so used to the chaos and though you love spontaneity, the Two of Pentacles indicates that this month you’re on a quest for balance in your spiritual and physical existence. You’re finding the middle ground that suits you best as you continue to move forward. And though the idea of structure may seem limiting at first, the October 2nd eclipse will help you to realize how much more freedom you are afforded in life when you prioritize stability.


Your Card: Six of Swords

Pisces, I can already tell that by the time October ends, you’re going to have quite a story to tell. While the majority of the month will be rather regular (nothing too crazy coming out the woodwork), early in the month you may find yourself on an unexpected, life-changing journey where you will walk away a changed person for the better. This unexpected adventure will act as a conduit where you are ending a major phase of your life and entering the next, ready for what awaits. With Venus influencing your 9th house of travel, philosophy, and education until October 17th, whatever journey you end up embarking on will have a clear theme that ties into what you are currently going through personally. And if you’re not convinced just yet, the Six of Swords represents brief life-changing journeys where you are crossing boundaries and experiencing a life you never thought you’d be able to live. You will feel like the main character of a movie. Then once this journey ends, you will cherish the experience forever and carry it with you no matter where you go from that point on.