Mikhail Nilov

Tarotscope For This Week: September 22 – September 28, 2024


Your card: Knight of Swords

Go for what you want this week. While you’re one of the most likely zodiac signs to already take that kind of initiative, there may be some area of your life where you’re still holding back. Don’t let fear keep you from living your best life.


Your card: Page of Swords

When you get the glimmer of a new idea this week, don’t let that inspiration slip through your fingers. It’s not every day that you’re feeling motivated to try something new. Follow the muse where it leads you.


Your card: King of Pentacles

If you want good things to happen this week, you have to take the lead. Direct your life in the direction you want it to go. If you’re hoping for everything to just align that way naturally, you’ll be sorely disappointed.


Your card: Ace of Wands

Feeling inspired this week? Don’t let that feeling float away. Instead, block out the feelings of imposter syndrome or the fear of failure and do the thing that’s inspiring you. Whether it’s making art or starting a new project, this is your week.


Your card: 2 of Cups

This card is signifying a good moment in a partnership this week. While it could be pointing at a romantic relationship, it could also mean friendship, family, or even a great work partnership. Either way, embrace this mutual love and respect.


Your card: 3 of Wands

Get ready for some good fortune this week, especially when it comes to getting one step closer to your dreams. As long as you have a clear vision of what you want for your future, you’ll be a lot more likely to spot great opportunities that will get you there.


Your card: Page of Cups

Don’t listen to people who tell you that you need to be serious or practical right now. This week, it’s better if you let yourself embrace your dreamy side. In fact, if you do, you may just be in for a happy surprise.


Your card: Judgement

If you’ve noticed that you’re judging yourself a lot lately, you might want to look deeper into why. While you could be treating yourself unfairly and just need to stop, it could be something else too. Perhaps your self-judgement is because you know something in your life should change. Now’s your time to change it.


Your card: Temperance

You like to jump headfirst into adventure rather than worrying about the minutiae. While that’s the trait that makes a Sagittarius so magnetic, it can also get you into trouble. This week, take the measured, balanced approach instead.


Your card: The Sun

You’re going to be a bright spot for others this week. Why? Because you’re feeling particularly positive and warm, and it’s easy to spread that kind of energy when you’re in a good mood. Embrace the vibe and shine your rays wherever you go.


Your card: 9 of Pentacles

What’s the thing you’ve been wanting to get yourself lately? Perhaps you’ve been able to afford it but you’ve been holding off anyway. Now’s the time to treat yourself. You deserve to do something nice for yourself, and this is the perfect week to do it.


Your card: 5 of Wands

Tempers are high this week, whether yours or the people around you. More than ever, you’ll be likely to end up in an argument that you really don’t want to have. It may just be better to steer clear of rough subjects or people you have an iffy relationship with while things die down.