Tarotscope For Today: Friday, April 26, 2024
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Your card: 4 of Wands
It’s time to celebrate all the cool things you’ve been accomplishing lately. You often are so go-go-go that you don’t stop to notice what you’ve been doing before moving on to the next thing–but that’s the wrong way to go. Meet up with some friends or invite them over and toast to how great you are. You deserve it.
Your card: The Star
Things might feel a little upside down today, which can make it hard to feel positive about the direction your life is going. This card is encouraging you to keep your hopes high. If you come at this new life chapter with positivity, you’ll manifest better circumstances.
Your card: 8 of Swords
You’re not as powerless as you might feel today. It can be easy to blame the world for what’s not going right in your life, but you have the power to make things how you want them. Sure, some things are out of your hands, but it’s not as much of a factor as you might think.
Your card: 8 of Cups
Now that it’s the end of the work week (or maybe the beginning of it if you work nontraditional hours) it’s time to let go of all the things that have been sticking with you. All of the little annoyances, the moments that didn’t go your way, the passive aggressive attitudes of people you have to be around. Drop it all and start the weekend fresh.
Your card: The World
One life journey is at an end and it’s time to start a new one. While normally you’re not too keen on change, this is a moment when you’re feeling happy and fulfilled. Hold on to that feeling. This is a transition period that should be celebrated, and not dreaded.
Your card: Knight of Pentacles
Stick to your routine today when it comes to hard work and productivity. Of course, you don’t really need to be told to do that, right? You’re one of the most productive signs in the zodiac. But here’s what’s most important: While you should work hard today, that doesn’t mean you should be spending your entire weekend overworking yourself. Be careful.
Your card: 2 of Pentacles
There’s a lot you want to get done today and not enough time in the day to do it. You could stress about not hitting everything on your to-do list, or you could remember that you’re human and not a machine programmed only for task completion. Cut yourself some slack and it’ll all be fine.
Your card: The Fool
Be spontaneous today. Say yes to last minute plans. Do the things that pop into your mind rather than talking yourself out of it or planning it for later. I know it might seem silly to “plan” for spontaneity, but if you open yourself to the idea of going outside the box, you’ll be better off.
Your card: Temperance
Take it easy today. It’s Friday and you’d normally be itching to do something interesting or adventurous or wild, but make sure you do so with balance and moderation in mind. Some actions have lasting consequences. Remember, you have all weekend to do cool stuff.
Your card: The Hanged One
It’s time to let go of the thing that’s been holding you back. You know the one–the moment of hurt or embarrassment from your past that still pops up in your head when you least expect it. You deserve to be free, so spend a moment today to acknowledge it and then let it fade away.
Your card: 6 of Swords
Your day isn’t going the way you planned, but is that really so bad? Sometimes it’s nice to have your ideas challenged. Sure, you might feel uncomfortable with the idea of changing your plans, but maybe that’s the point. If you get too attached to your routine, you’ll never leave your comfort zone.
Your card: The Devil
Your shadow self is begging to break free today. It’s the part of you that goes for what you want even if that might make the people around you uncomfortable. Sometimes it’s a good thing to put yourself first–just as long as you’re not needlessly hurting someone in the process.