Pavel Danilyuk

Tarotscope For Today: Friday, August 23, 2024

Table of Contents


Your Card: Page of Cups

Make sure you’re realistic about the direction that you’re headed, Aries. I’m not saying you shouldn’t shoot for the stars, what I am saying however is that you must make sure that whatever it is you hope to achieve, you remain realistic in your expectations to not suffer disappointment and be prepared for setbacks.


Your Card: Seven of Swords

You might be feeling as if everything and everyone is against you right now, Taurus. I’m sorry that whatever has been going on has led you to feel that this is the case but don’t allow your negative projections to taint the view you have on life and the people around you. Sometimes shit happens and not everything is going to go perfectly our way and there is only so much that we can do to remedy the situation. You can’t control everything but don’t think that this setback or slight is the rule and not just the exception.


Your Card: Ace of Wands

Ride this wave of creativity and passion, Gemini. You are experiencing a second wind of sorts. Don’t take it for granted. It’s the burst of energy that you need to see things through. Allow it to carry you to the finish line. Whatever obstacles may lie ahead, know and trust that you can overcome them if you maintain this level of commitment and passion.


Your Card: King of Wands

Reframe the state of mind that you’re in today, Cancer. Although things may be hard or stressful or taxing on your mental and emotional fortitude, simply reframing the situation will go a long way. What I mean by that is to find the silver lining. There is always a silver lining in any situation regardless of how dire things may be. When something bad happens to us, there is always a lesson to be learned. It sucks when life brings us down, but there’s always a positive development in these moments. Perhaps you needed this emotional setback to find the strength that you never knew you possessed all along. If you’re experiencing a breakup of sorts, look at it this way, now you have the opportunity to grow as a human individually, improve your areas of weakness, and be a better person so that when the next love comes along, it’ll work out. Sometimes bad things have to happen for our areas of weakness to be highlighted and improved upon. Sometimes one door closes so that another can open. Don’t get caught in just the negative, there is always a reason to be positive if you look hard enough and change your perspective.


Your Card: Five of Swords

Although it may feel like you are innocent in this, perhaps look at how you’ve contributed to the problem at hand, Leo. Oftentimes, we’re not completely as innocent as we like to think that we are. It seems that with this conflict at hand, your ego may have gotten more involved than you want to admit. That’s okay, you’re only human, but it’s unfair to completely place the blame on the world and those around you. There is room for resolution but that resolution cannot take place until you are willing to admit your faults.


Your Card: Ten of Wands

The Ten of Wands illustrator depicts a person carrying a heavy weight. This might represent a sorta burden that you feel is weighing you down. It’s strange the way that negative emotions can manifest into what feels like a physical weight on our shoulders. You may be holding onto grief, anger, and pain that you are unable to unburden yourself of. Perhaps you’ve been looking for relief through distraction without actually dealing with and confronting the emotions at play and although these distractions offer temporary relief, the burden is still there. You still can’t seem to shake it. That is because you are not addressing the root of the problem, Virgo. This burden will not disappear on its own, it will take a bit of work on your end. This means being honest with how you’re feeling and truly addressing the emotions at hand instead of ignoring them and running from the truth. No matter how fast you run, the truth of the matter will always catch up with you.


Your Card: The Empress

Be kinder to yourself today, Libra. You tend to beat yourself up when you feel like you’ve failed yourself and those around you. You’re not perfect and that’s okay. No one is expecting perfection. The Empress tarot card is calling you to find the beauty in imperfection. Accept your flaws because you are only human.


Your Card: The Lovers

You are carving out your path today, Scorpio. Trust your intuition, trust what life has taught you. Don’t look for the answers in those around you because they’re going to give you advice that works best for them. And although advice can be good and helpful, it’s not always the most applicable when it comes to solving our problems. It seems that whatever has occurred to you in the past has led you to lose trust in yourself. Don’t let this be the case. You are capable of making the right decisions and just know that even if others don’t always completely agree with the actions that you take, sometimes what seems like the wrong answer to others, is the solution to our problems at hand. The Lovers tarot card is mistakenly interpreted as dealing exclusively with matters of the heart but this isn’t always the case. The message imbued in this card is about choice and trusting the decisions you make for yourself. You do have a choice in the matter and you do know what is best.


Your Card: Two of Cups

Today you might find yourself connecting with an unsuspecting person. We have a lot more in common with people than we often realize. This person might seem like your complete opposite, but opposites do attract for a reason. It’s funny what people become to us over time. Someone who is just a stranger may be your new best friend. Don’t judge a book by its cover and connect over what matters.


Your Card: Six of Wands

The Six of Wands indicates that today you might be experiencing a grand sense of relief. If you’ve been experiencing an ongoing struggle or feeling unappreciated for your hard work, today it ends Capricorn. You can look back on the road you’ve traveled and be grateful for the lessons it’s taught you. Success is sweet when it’s earned and you have earned this moment. Even if what I’m referring to isn’t super obvious, you may be experiencing the beginning of a shift in your day-to-day. However, don’t think things will get easy from this point on. Although you’re being recognized for your efforts and being rewarded accordingly, this might also mean you will take on more responsibility. So be prepared for that.


Your Card: The Devil

You might be creating a lot of these problems that you have in your head, Aquarius. Don’t allow yourself to be a victim of your mindset. The Devil card suggests that you feel powerless and chained to a certain reality you no longer want to exist in. And although you are feeling powerless, The Devil card is also a reminder that the chains are much loser than you realize. You have the ability to walk away from this, you just have to find the mental strength to do so.


Your Card: The Emperor

Get out of your head today Pisces and make decisive choices. The Emperor card is about doing. It’s about action. It’s about following the plan. You’re such a deep philosophical thinker which is one of your greatest strengths, however, at times it does become a weakness. You can’t always exist in the hypothetical world, you must remain grounded and focus on what is tangible.