Tarotscope For Today: Friday, January 24, 2025
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Your card: 4 of Cups
Feeling a little off today? Even if you have no concrete reason for feeling this way, you may feel disconnected from those around you. Almost like you can see yourself walking through the world but you don’t feel totally present. Maybe a breath of literal fresh air, the cold wind on your face, will put you back in your body.
Your card: The Star
When the world is looking dark, it can be hard to pull yourself out of your pessimism. This card is urging you to have a little hope and faith that things will work out better than you’re expecting. Although it may be a difficult task, try not to dwell so much on the negative.
Your card: Ace of Swords
Look for a breakthrough today. Maybe you’ve been stuck on a problem at work or in your personal life and you haven’t found a way to solve it. This card indicates that you’re on the precipice of a new idea. Be on the lookout for this kind of inspiration in whatever creative way it might manifest.
Your card: Judgement
From judgement comes absolution–but only as long as you’re ready to stop judging yourself. Rather than getting stuck in a loop of self-hate and regret, instead recognize what you did wrong and then let it go. Dwelling on your negative past will only lead to self-sabotage.
Your card: 7 of Swords
You may have uncovered a path forward that looks good in theory. Perhaps it’ll get you further in an area of your life, but at the cost of relationships or self-respect. Rather than treading that path anyway, steer yourself toward something better for your karma or you may end up regretting it.
Your card: The Empress
Embrace nature today. Whether it’s going out into the wilderness to appreciate the winter flora and fauna or just putting out a vase of flowers in the warmth of your home, this connection to nature will do you so much good. The world exists in a grand way right outside your door.
Your card: 5 of Cups
Dwelling on regret is a useless activity. After all, you can’t change the past. While you know that’s the case deep down, that hasn’t kept you from feeling stuck in the hurts of your past today. That loss and disappointment will keep you from truly enjoying what you have in the present.
Your card: 6 of Swords
If you’re honest with yourself, you’re not a huge fan of change–especially when it isn’t what you wanted. Today, you’re finding it hard to accept a new reality. The best way to move forward is to let go of the vision you had. It isn’t happening, so the best thing you can do is look for the good on your new life path.
Your card: Knight of Swords
If you want to get things done today, you’ll have to think fast. All your ambitions are aligning and you could take a huge step towards your dreams as long as you’re willing to take that leap. As one of the braver zodiac signs, you should have no trouble with this.
Your card: King of Cups
Lean toward balance today when it comes to your emotions. Keep in mind: Suppressing your feelings is not the same as balance. A healthy balance is in the middle of the spectrum between an unfeeling rock and a fountain of emotions. Find your sweet spot and everything will be fine.
Your card: Queen of Swords
Sometimes you just have to be direct with people–especially if they haven’t quite grasped what you mean yet. Although you may wish that things would go unsaid, that’s just not going to work today. Be clear and direct and use plain language to communicate what you need and want.
Your card: The World
Have you accomplished something lately? Whether large or small, don’t let that achievement go by without notice. It’s not conceited to be proud of yourself or to tell people about the cool thing you’ve done. You deserve some attention now and then, and this is that time.