Tarotscope For Today: Friday, January 3, 2025
Table of Contents
Your card: Page of Cups
Do something fun and whimsical today. While you may have to work or do other un-fun adult tasks, that doesn’t mean you can’t use the rest of your day for something magical and memorable. Let the dreamy side of yourself lead you to something truly amazing.
Your card: 2 of Pentacles
There’s so much to do and so little time to do it in, right? Perhaps you need to map out your day so you can fit everything in. But at some point there’s only so much good time management skills can do. If you’re struggling, it’s better to put some things off than to stress yourself out even further.
Your card: 6 of Pentacles
Do you have anything in abundance–more than you could ever possibly need all by yourself? This is a good sign that it’s time to share the wealth. Spread your good fortune to the people in your life who matter to you the most.
Your card: Queen of Cups
Someone in your life needs you. They need that special brand of Cancer empathy as they navigate a rough patch in their life. Be the calm comfort they need right now. Just remember not to interrupt with similar stories of times you’ve gone through the same thing. This is about them right now.
Your card: The Star
There’s only so much you can do when it comes to getting what you want. You can ask for it. You can take concrete steps toward your goal. But in the end, it also takes a little hope, faith, and luck. Today, focus on the hope. Sometimes you just need to believe that it will happen for you.
Your card: Page of Wands
Do something fun and creative today. While you might have plenty of monotonous, boring tasks to do to fill your time, make sure you’re leaving room for things that make you happy, too. If you go too long before doing anything fun, you’ll start to wilt like an unwatered flower.
Your card: 4 of Cups
Normally you thrive when it comes to your social life. You love your friends and prefer to surround yourself with your chosen family. Today you may be feeling a bit of a disconnection, though. It’s okay to take a day to yourself away from others. We all need to recharge alone–even you.
Your card: 3 of Swords
It’s only a few days into the new year and you’re feeling dark and gloomy already. While some will consider it classic brooding Scorpio behavior, it still doesn’t mean it’s fun for you to be in such a sad mood. If you can find ways to cope, you’ll be a lot better off.
Your card: The Tower
Something is happening in your life that you have no control over, and it could be leading you down a path you don’t want for yourself. It may change how you see people in your life or the way you view the world. Don’t let it keep you from being yourself, though.
Your card: 7 of Wands
Outside forces may be trying to keep you from doing what you need or want to do, but don’t let them get your way. Heck, it could even be part of your subconscious that’s encouraging you to procrastinate. Instead, keep working hard and getting things done today.
Your card: 7 of Cups
Sometimes you get so caught up in the day to day routine that you don’t stop to realize that you’ve gotten off course. Today, look at your life to figure out what’s still working and what could use a change. Are you still on the path to the life you want to lead? Now’s the time to figure that out.
Your card: Page of Pentacles
This is a great day to start manifesting changes in your life when it comes to money and your career. If you made any wealth related New Year’s resolutions, this is a great time to start that journey. You’ve got this!