Alena Yanovich

Tarotscope For Today: Friday, June 28, 2024

Table of Contents


Your card: 2 of Wands

You’re not normally someone who makes a detailed plan, but that might be a good idea today. Rather than going with every whim of your fiery personality, stop and think about your course of action. What’s the right path and how can you make sure you won’t deviate?


Your card: 8 of Cups

Feeling frustrated about the same thing yet again? Today you might finally be getting the idea that it’s time to give up and walk away. Don’t count this as a failure, though. Sometimes walking away is the much better choice for your mental and emotional health. There’s nothing wrong with that.


Your card: 8 of Wands

There may be an opportunity for a quick decision today. If you try to put off making it, you may miss out on it entirely. Do yourself a favor and trust that you can make the right decision. Sure, it might be better if you could sleep on it, but that’s not always a reasonable course of action.


Your card: Wheel of Fortune

This could be a lucky day for you. You can increase your chances by putting out good karma into the world around you. Be nice to people and spread your good energy. Then be on the lookout for opportunities that you might not always notice. You could be ending the day better off than you started it.


Your card: Death

Not the unlucky portent you might fear, the Death card is instead all about the end of one phase and the beginning of another. You might be noticing a change today or the effects of a transition your life has been going through. Remember that change isn’t inherently bad–it’s all how you look at it.


Your card: Judgement

Be careful about being too judgmental today. Someone may be coming to you for advice or, more likely, a listening ear. Rather than sharing your judgement, just listen and be helpful when they need you. If you’re too judgy, this may be the last time they ever come to you in a crisis.


Your card: The Sun

Rather than keeping all your positivity to yourself today, spread that sunshine to everyone around you. Get out and talk to people, make plans with friends, and see those you care about. It would be a shame if all these good vibes went to waste.


Your card: 7 of Pentacles

Invest in your dreams today, especially when it comes to your career. While you may have a vague hope for what you want in life, nothing will really start working in your favor until you do something about it. Today’s the perfect day to do just that.


Your card: The Moon

Have you been keeping something from someone? Now might be the time to let the secret be known, even if it means that it could change things. Or perhaps the person you’re keeping secrets from is yourself? Do everyone a favor and quit hiding what’s really going on.


Your card: 4 of Swords

Spend the day taking it easy. You probably have a hard time letting go and just relaxing, but that means you need it now more than ever. Say no to extra tasks or favors and just vibe today. Stay at home and do nothing. This doesn’t make you lazy. You can call it “self care” if that helps.


Your card: 3 of Pentacles

While you’re good at being a lone wolf at work, school, or home, that’s not the move today. It’s better to end the week working as a team rather than trying to do everything yourself. Could you do it all on your own? Sure, but that doesn’t mean it’s the right choice.


Your card: 5 of Swords

It seems like no matter what you do, you can’t seem to outrun conflict today. It’s either because you’re especially fiery or short-fused or because the people around you are on high alert. Either way, you might want to stay solo today in order to avoid any further conflict.