Gantas Vaičiulėnas

Tarotscope For Today: Friday, March 22, 2024

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Your card: Wheel of Fortune

You’re feeling lucky today. This is a good time to take a chance–and we’re not talking about the lottery. Do something big to get you closer to living your dream life, whether it’s quitting a job you hate or making a move on the person you’ve had a crush on. The fates are in your favor today.


Your card: The Moon

Listen to your intuition today. Something is going on just below the surface and you’ll have to check in with your gut in order to decipher what’s going on. If you float through your Friday with your eyes closed, you may just miss what’s really happening. Stay vigilant.


Your card: King of Cups

You’ll be feeling especially balanced today. In situations where you’d normally provide the chaotic reaction people expect from you, your emotional stability will rule instead. With this energy, today is a good day to make a decision since you’re at your most responsible.


Your card: Temperance

Try to be patient today. While you’re normally good about waiting for something, it’ll be harder than ever right now. Distract yourself with something else while you wait. What you’re hoping for will find you eventually, and getting stressed about it won’t make it happen any faster.


Your card: The High Priestess

There’s something mysterious going on behind the scenes, and you know deep down what it is if you search your intuition. Listen to that little voice in your subconscious that’s trying to tell you something. Perhaps someone in your life doesn’t actually have your best interests at heart.


Your card: The Hermit

It’s time to do some soul-searching, and that’s best done alone. If there’s an aspect of your life that hasn’t felt quite right, spend some time figuring out how you really feel today. If you give yourself enough time, you may just finally make a big decision on what’s been bugging you.


Your card: Queen of Pentacles

This is your moment to take charge, but in a loving and nurturing way. This is a mothering card, so if there’s someone in your life that needs a little tough love, today’s your day to provide it for them. Sometimes you just have to be the voice that someone is reluctant to hear, but it will help them so much in the end.


Your card: 7 of Wands

Stick with your convictions today. While it might be easier for people to sway you at other times, that’s not the case right now. If they want you to do something you don’t have the mental energy to handle, it’s perfectly acceptable to say no–and don’t give in to their manipulation when you do.


Your card: Page of Cups

You’ll be stuck in your daydreams today, but is that so bad? Sometimes it’s nice to dream up the myriad ways you could improve your life or craft narratives that get you to where you want to be. After all, that’s the first step toward manifesting the life you want to live.


Your card: 5 of Wands

It feels like nothing is going smoothly today. It’s just one hassle after another. While you could struggle to handle everything, you could let it go and leave it for another day instead. While you may have trouble doing the latter, your heart rate and blood pressure might appreciate the break.


Your card: 2 of Pentacles

You have so much to do and not enough time in the day to do it. If it’s stuff you can work on at home, you have the whole weekend to get it done, so cut yourself some slack. And if it’s a work issue, hopefully you can finish it up on Monday. Remember you’re a flawed human, and not a robot.


Your card: 8 of Cups

Sometimes you just need to learn to walk away. As much as you’d like to think of yourself as a miracle worker, you can’t change someone who doesn’t want to change, whether that’s a bare minimum man or a toxic friend. Is this relationship still serving you, or is it time to leave?