/ Vizerskaya

Tarotscope For Today: Friday, March 8, 2024

Table of Contents


Your card: Page of Cups

You’ll be in your feelings today. Your daydreams are so vivid that you might feel like you’re living more inside your head than in the real world. That’s not a bad thing, though. You’re connecting with your innermost desires, and that’s a connection you don’t always foster. Embrace it and you could even make those daydreams come true.


Your card: 4 of Cups

You’re going to feel a disconnection today. It’s not exactly a depression, but a thread of apathy will cut through everything you do. Sometimes excitement is just elusive. You could struggle against it or accept that today just isn’t the day. Although if you have some coping methods that boost your mood, it wouldn’t hurt to try.


Your card: The High Priestess

Listen to your intuition today. It’s trying to tell you something you really need to hear. It can be so easy to ignore sometimes, making decisions you know aren’t right in favor of doing the reckless or “fun” thing instead. You’re more likely to get in a lot of trouble today, so pick the safer option and listen to your gut.


Your card: 2 of Wands

Make a plan today. As much as you might want to go with the flow, that flow may not lead to anywhere productive. Instead, figure out what you want and the steps to get there. It could be something small like planning a little get together with friends or something bigger that you’ll work toward for weeks or months to come.


Your card: 9 of Pentacles

Today is all about self-care. What does that look like for you? Maybe self-care means wearing your hottest outfit and splurging on a fancy dinner. Or you could be lovingly cliché about it and do a face mask while eating ice cream and watching your comfort show. Whatever it is, this is your day to do it.


Your card: Ace of Swords

Follow the force of your ideas today. When you get a little seed of inspiration, don’t let it go without germinating it into something real. Sure, it might mean skipping something else you had planned today, but that’s the risk you take–and it could turn into something so much cooler.


Your card: 7 of Wands

Stand your ground today. While you may have people in your life with louder voices than you, don’t let them drown you out. It can take bravery and conviction to stand up when other people want you to sit down and be quiet, but all following their lead does is silence you.


Your card: Page of Swords

Do you ever just get a desire to sit and read all day? If you’re feeling a pull to the written word, follow that desire and pick up all the books you’ve been meaning to binge and spend today reading. Maybe now you’ll see what all the fuss is about over on BookTok. (Or realize that they’re full of it.)


Your card: 3 of Cups

While you do just fine on your own, sometimes you can create even more beauty when you work with other people. Don’t go it alone today. Instead, get together with your partner or friends or even your favorite coworker. You never know what cool hijinks you could create together.


Your card: 4 of Wands

Invite people over tonight. It doesn’t matter if your home is messy or you’re tired or you’re not sure what you would even do. Your best friends won’t care about any of that–they just want to spend time with you. And honestly, you’ve been needing the social aspect of life more than ever lately.


Your card: Wheel of Fortune

Luck is on your side today, so if you want to do something that scares you, you’re going to have the best odds of success today. That could mean asking out your crush or going for a job interview at your dream company. Sometimes taking a chance is totally worth the risk.


Your card: Justice

While cause and effect already rules the natural world, you’ll be feeling that more than ever today. This isn’t the time to make risky decisions or to make choices that put you unfairly ahead of others. If you do the wrong thing, this card is hinting at the consequences. Tread lightly.