Alena Yanovich

Tarotscope For Today: Friday, October 18, 2024

Table of Contents


Your card: Knight of Cups

This is the perfect day to follow your heart. Rather than getting too carried away with the logistics of a situation, just do what you know deep down is right for you. As a sometimes impulsive Aries, this should come naturally to you.


Your card: Death

Don’t get spooked by this card–it’s actually a good thing in most contexts. Death is about the end of one phase and the beginning of another. While you may not love change, it often ushers in a new life journey that’s even better for you than what you had before. Celebrate this transition and accept the new.


Your card: 9 of Pentacles

Treat yourself to something nice today. Whether you can only afford a little croissant at your local bakery or something pricier you’ve been wanting for a while, it’s time to buy it. You deserve to spend a little time and money (that you can afford) on yourself for a change.


Your card: 3 of Swords

This isn’t a good day. Heartbreak and sorrow are following you through the movements of your day. It could be from some fresh new wound but, more likely, it’s a past hurt that keeps aching so long afterward. While it’s easy to suggest you “let it go,” you know better than anyone how truly hard that can be.


Your card: Wheel of Fortune

Expect the unexpected today. Change is coming your way and, if you’ve been putting good energy out into the world, it could mean great luck and a vibrant new life path for your future. Keep a positive attitude and look for the little ways you can turn the tide in your favor.


Your card: Page of Swords

While you might have what some would consider a rigid plan for your day, you may want to leave a little space open for new ideas. This card suggests you’ll be inspired to try something new, and it would be unwise to listen to that call. Good things come from letting yourself be curious.


Your card: King of Swords

If you’ve been a little cloudy about something–maybe you haven’t been sure of what to do or what someone else’s motives might be–you’ll have so much more clarity today. You’re waking up with a determination for the truth, and you’re finally about to get it.


Your card: King of Cups

While you might not always voice your feelings out loud, that doesn’t mean you don’t have a wealth of deep emotions. That can sometimes mean your feelings get the better of you, too. Today though, you’ll be blessed with balance between your head and your heart.


Your card: 5 of Cups

While you’re often pretty good at looking at the brighter side of a situation, that’s not the case today. Instead of moving on, you’ll be plagued by guilt and regret. As you well know, these emotions are rarely productive. Hopefully you have a happier and more confident day tomorrow.


Your card: The Devil

Temptation is knocking at your door today, and it may be hard to distinguish between regular desires and the ones that could get you in trouble. Will you listen to the angel on your shoulder or the shadow version of yourself who doesn’t have you best interests at heart?


Your card: Judgement

Forgiveness isn’t something reserved just for people in your life who have done you wrong–it’s also something that you’ll have to give to yourself. While you may feel justified in judging yourself for past mistakes, don’t sit too long in those negative feelings. Cut yourself the slack you’d afford to someone else.


Your card: The Hierophant

Traditions can be fun, but they could also be holding you back from progress. Today, confront the traditions and conventions that you tend to blindly follow. Do they actually make your life better and happier, or are you just going through the motions. If it’s the latter, it’s time for a change.