Alena Yanovich

Tarotscope For Today: Friday, September 6, 2024

Table of Contents


Your card: Ace of Cups

This is a great day to be social. Why? Because you may end up finding your soulmate or some awesome new friends in the process. This card signals the beginning of a great relationship and it would be a shame to waste this special energy by staying home.


Your card: 10 of Wands

While you do like to help people when they need it, you’re always in danger of doing too much. You may be overextending yourself lately and if you say yes to a favor today, it could take you one step too far into Stressville. While it might not feel great to say no, sometimes you have to for your own well-being.


Your card: 9 of Wands

It’s time to buckle down and work hard. While you normally peace-out as soon as things get tough or, worse, boring, that’s not the right move today. You can procrastinate another time. Instead, work hard and get things done. You can always chill out once your priorities are over.


Your card: 2 of Swords

Avoiding a problem doesn’t make it go away. If you try to do that today, it’ll just come back to bite you. Instead of hiding, be bold and confident–even if you have to fake ’til you make it–in order to make a decision. Sometimes you just have to push yourself to take that first step.


Your card: 3 of Pentacles

Being a lone wolf isn’t as attractive as you think it is. Instead of trying to do everything yourself–and taking all the credit that comes along with it–you’d do better if you work as a team today. You’ll find that it can make things a whole lot easier and faster when you spread out the tasks.


Your card: 6 of Pentacles

Life is so much better when you share it with others. Today, cook a meal for your loved ones or bring some well-loved items to a charity shop. Any concrete ways you can help others, whether they’re close to you or not, is the perfect way to spend your Friday.


Your card: Judgement

Have you been too hard on yourself lately? You may be holding yourself to higher standards than you would ever set for someone else. Cut yourself some slack. You’re just as human as the next person. Today, just be kind to yourself.


Your card: 5 of Pentacles

Worried about something? This may be your emotions telling you to take action. Is there something you can do about it to quell your feelings? Maybe all you need to do is talk to someone, whether it’s the person you have an issue with or a therapist that can help you parse your feelings.


Your card: Knight of Cups

This is the perfect time to follow your heart and take action. Deep down, you know exactly what you want, so what are you waiting for? Make your move. The bolder and more confident you are as you step forward, the better the outcome will be.


Your card: The Magician

If you want good things to come your way, this is the day to make them happen. This card is your clue to start manifesting your dreams. You’re more powerful than ever, so figure out what needs to get done and take the steps to reach them. You’ve got this, Capricorn!


Your card: The Emperor

If you’re having trouble getting things done today, you’d do best if you created a bit of structure for your day. A nice, detailed routine could be just the ticket for getting through your work day. After all, Fridays are often the hardest days to get things done, especially if you have the weekend off.


Your card: King of Wands

This is a great day to get together with your friends for a craft night. The energy is inspirational, creative, and charismatic, so spending the day doing nothing at all would be a waste. Make arts and crafts together, put a movie on in the background, and provide lots of snacks.