Alena Yanovich

Tarotscope For Today: Monday, April 8, 2024

Table of Contents


Your card: 8 of Wands

While you’re normally pretty chill with change, you need to make sure that this transition period is something you actually want. You’re always so “go, go, go” that you don’t always stop to make sure this is right for you. Take that time today. Is this what you want, are you just along for the ride?


Your card: Judgement

It can be hard to know what’s right and wrong when you’re only caring how other people react. On the surface, it could be clear, but to really know what’s right, you have to look inside. Lean toward what feels right to you today, and not what other people think about your life. Don’t let someone else trample on your inner calling.


Your card: King of Swords

When presented with a problem today, make sure your mind and heart are clear before reacting. If you let emotion take over, whether frustration, anger, or sadness, you might say or do something that you’ll regret. There’s nothing wrong with taking a moment to collect yourself before you respond.


Your card: 8 of Pentacles

This is the perfect time to learn something new. It could just be a deep dive through the rabbit hole of Wikipedia about an interesting new topic or taking a class on how to make lemon poppy seed muffins–whatever excites you. Follow the spark of interest wherever it leads you today.


Your card: 9 of Swords

No matter what’s going on your life, some days you just wake up feeling bad–and that’s totally normal. Of course, that doesn’t really make you feel any better when you’re stuck in a pit of anxiety or sadness. All you can do today is hope that tomorrow will be so much better.


Your card: 2 of Pentacles

There’s lots you want to get done, and not enough hours in a day. Remember that you don’t have to get everything on your to-do list done in one day. Get what you can done while still having moments throughout the day when you can rest, relax, and do things that make you happy.


Your card: Queen of Pentacles

This is your call from the universe that you should spread your nurturing presence to the people around you, especially when it comes to concrete, physical things. Donate money to a charity, cook a meal for someone you love, help your friend move, pick someone up at the airport even if it means getting up really early.


Your card: 10 of Wands

Feel all that stress creeping in? That’s the early stages of your body warning you that you’ve taken on too much responsibility. Maybe you’ve been saying yes too many times when people at work ask for help or family asks you for a favor. Remember that it’s perfectly okay to say no. And if anyone has a problem with that, that’s on them.


Your card: Wheel of Fortune

Go with the flow today and you may just end up floating into natural karmic good luck. The universe is in your favor right now, just as long as you remain on its good side. The better you act, the better you’ll get in return. Have a positive attitude and accept what the world has to bring.


Your card: 6 of Cups

Sometimes it’s just fun to do the things you liked when you were a kid, even if someone else might find it “childish.” If you’re craving some time playing video games, building a pillow fort, or eating sugary cereal for dinner, by all means follow that feeling. You’re never too old to have some fun.


Your card: The Chariot

Don’t let anything stop you today. There may be people in your life who don’t think you can reach your dreams or who question why you might want to do something you love. Don’t listen to them. You’re in charge of where your life should go and you should be the one making these decisions for yourself.


Your card: Queen of Wands

If you want to truly live your passion, you need to have courage. Today, do something that will get you closer to where you want to be but haven’t done because it’s scary or a big step. It’s the steps, large and small, that get you to where you need to go. Don’t be the obstacle holding yourself back.