Alena Yanovich

Tarotscope For Today: Monday, October 14, 2024

Table of Contents


Your card: Ace of Cups

This is great time to start a new relationship. If there’s a new person you’ve met who you want to transition from acquaintance to friend, do that today. Or, if you’re single, this could be a great moment to ask out your crush or agree to go out on a date. Some good things could come your way if you do.


Your card: Page of Wands

Spend time doing something creative today. Work on one of your projects or, if you don’t have anything inspiring you right now, try something new. You don’t have to be “good” at art or a master craftsman to find happiness in creativity. Just doing it is enough to enhance your life.


Your card: The Devil

There’s a part of your inner self that may try to steer you in a dark direction today. Consider that your shadow self or the devil on your shoulder. Before you listen to that little voice spurring you on, make sure that what you want won’t come back to bite you in the end.


Your card: 10 of Wands

You may be doing too much lately, especially if people have been asking you for a favor. After all, you have a very difficult time saying no. Try not to overextend yourself today or it may be the last straw. Don’t risk tipping over into a nervous breakdown if you can help it.


Your card: 9 of Swords

Have you been feeling particularly anxious today? This card shows that you may be feeling extra stressed, even if you have no real reason for it. You may have just woken up feeling like crap. In that case, here’s hoping that you wake up tomorrow in a wonderful and happy mood.


Your card: 7 of Pentacles

It’s a fresh new week, so this is a great time to sit down and draw up plans for the rest of the week. What can you do to get yourself that much closer to your goals? Think ahead to the next few weeks, months, or years and come up with your master plan for getting it done.


Your card: 8 of Cups

It may finally be time to walk away from a situation that’s no longer serving you. Maybe it’s a relationship that should have ended months ago, a friendship that has turned toxic, or a job that has no prospects for advancement. Take that first scary step toward finally being done.


Your card: Ace of Swords

You’re heading for a breakthrough today. Have you been stuck on a problem? Or maybe you’ve felt like there’s something wrong, but you just can’t decipher why. You’re going to be extra open toward finding the truth today, so keep your eyes clear for a revelation.


Your card: The Tower

If you were hoping for just a regular day, that’s not in the cards for you, Sagittarius. Instead, today is all about upheaval, revelations, and change. Perhaps something you thought was true turns out to be anything but. In the face of this change, it’s up to you how well you react.


Your card: Ace of Wands

Follow what inspires you today. Though there may be some things you have to do today, still leave time open in your day to follow your muse. If it doesn’t excite you, inspire you, or make you happy, skip it. You may just find a new hobby in the process.


Your card: Ace of Pentacles

If you were hoping to find a clue from the universe to manifest a new financial opportunity, this is it. Whether it means quitting your job, asking for a promotion, or starting a new side hustle, this is the perfect day to make it happen.


Your card: The Hierophant

You may be feeling like breaking free from conventions today, but before you do, ask yourself why. Are you trying to be different because you don’t feel like you fit the mold, or just because you hate conformity for the sake of it? Above all else, it’s important to be yourself.