Mikhail Nilov

Tarotscope For Today: Saturday, April 20, 2024

Table of Contents


Your card: Ace of Cups

This is the perfect day to foster better connections with the newer friends you’ve been making lately. Set up a one-on-one to hang out and get closer. If you don’t keep up the communication, you may not get as close as you’d like. Maybe you’ll learn that your friendship is absolutely meant-to-be.


Your card: 10 of Cups

Hold on to all the happiness you’re feeling today. If you let the little annoyances of life get to you, you might let the awesome positive energy float away. Instead, do things that make you feel great, whether it keeps you in your favorite comfort zone or pulls you out of it. This is your day to just celebrate life and be happy.


Your card: Queen of Cups

Be a comforting presence for someone in your life who’s going through a rough time. That could manifest as a shoulder to cry on, a listening ear, or just someone to take them out on the town for a fun Saturday night where they can forget all their problems.


Your card: 8 of Swords

You’re in your head today, cursing the world for the things that have been going wrong lately. Or maybe you’re hung up on a hurt from your past. Truth is, you have a ton of power in your life. Don’t get stuck thinking that what happens to you is totally out of your hands.


Your card: 3 of Pentacles

Look for the people in your life who can use you on their team. If you’re not working, that doesn’t mean you’re off the hook for some group work. Maybe you live with someone who could use some time with you or a family member who needs help with a home task.


Your card: Justice

Reach for balance today. Don’t lean too far into chores or to-do lists, but it would also be bad to spend your entire Saturday on the couch. A healthy middle is the way to go for you, living that sweet spot. If you need some inspiration, just call up your Libra friend, who’s known for balance.


Your card: Knight of Wands

Do something that scares you today. Wild adventures are a great way to pull you out of a funk. Don’t listen to the little part of your brain that’s encouraging you to just rest and do nothing. This isn’t a “nothing” kind of Saturday.


Your card: 7 of Wands

Don’t let thoughts of giving up keep you from reaching your dreams and goals. Today, you’re getting in your head, and all it’s doing is pulling you down. Do something early in the day that boosts your mood and makes you feel like the amazing person you are. That should carry you through the rest of the day.


Your card: Ace of Wands

Follow your creative inspiration today. Whether it’s traditional art like following a painting tutorial or something more out-there like the art of a walk in the wilderness, this is your time to connect with that artistic side of yourself. Don’t let the inspiration melt away without fostering it.


Your card: Knight of Cups

Consulting a spreadsheet or researching all outcomes isn’t the way to deal with your troubles today. Sometimes you just have to follow your heart and listen to your gut instincts. Deep down, you know what the right thing to do is–and all you have to do is go with it.


Your card: Eight of Pentacles

If you want to hit your goals, you have to work hard. Of course, you know this already. You’re one of the workaholic signs of the zodiac, so you’re no stranger to getting down to business. Even though today is Saturday and other people are relaxing, that’s not what you’re about. Live your workaholic dreams, whether it’s your actually job or a hobby you want to nail.


Your card: 10 of Swords

You may be feeling like you’re teetering on the edge of a dark pit of despair. Those dark feelings are likely connected to a loss or betrayal, whether recent or something from your past. Try to find the little things that can pull you back into the light. In the end, you might have to sleep it off and start fresh tomorrow.