Alena Yanovich

Tarotscope For Today: Saturday, June 22, 2024

Table of Contents


Your card: Page of Cups

Be open to a receiving a happy surprise today. It may require you to keep an open mind and spin the news in a way that’s good for you. Luckily you’re a fairly optimistic sign, so you shouldn’t struggle with finding the sunnier side of the situation.


Your card: 8 of Wands

If you have a plan today, you might have to change it. Don’t be so concrete in what you want to do that you struggle when something naturally gets in the way. While you sometimes have a hard time going with the flow, you’ll need that kind of energy today if you want to get by unscathed.


Your card: King of Pentacles

When an opportunity arises where you can take a leadership role today, go for it. Since its Saturday, you may not be working today. That’s fine! Leadership doesn’t always have to do with your career. You could take the lead at home, with friends, or even with yourself. Just be the boss you know you are inside.


Your card: 8 of Cups

Something isn’t serving you today. While you would normally give people and situations a second or third or tenth chance, this is your sign that you should stop trying. When you’re the only one putting in real effort, it’s no longer healthy for you to keep going. Use your inner strength to finally walk away.


Your card: King of Swords

Look for the truth of a situation today. While you could keep moving along unaware of what’s really going on, that’s not really doing you any good. It might only require asking a few uncomfortable questions, but once you do, you’ll feel so much better.


Your card: 4 of Wands

Invite some people over today. Rather than getting bogged down by chores, use some of your weekend to celebrate your favorite people or to just have fun for no good reason at all. It doesn’t have to be anything formal–just a few good friends, some music, and your favorite snacks.


Your card: Knight of Swords

Take action today. While you might first be motivated to do absolutely nothing for your Saturday, you may be missing out on something without even realizing it. Say yes when people invite you out today. Adventures will lead to great memories and potential to change your life for the better.


Your card: 2 of Cups

There’s a good chance that someone in your life likes you in the same way as you do them. Could this mean your crush likes you back? Potentially! If you’re in a relationship, this could also mean that your partner feels just as strongly as you do. Now might be a good time to show how much you care.


Your card: 5 of Pentacles

Whether you have a “good reason” or not, you may be filled with worry today. That kind of anxiety fills all the cracks in your thoughts and can turn an otherwise good day into something less than fun. If you can’t pull yourself out of it, you’ll hopefully feel better after a good night’s sleep.


Your card: Ace of Cups

If you’re single, there’s a chance you might come across your next partner today. This card signals the start of a new relationship, so keep your heart open. If you’re seeing someone already, this card could also mean a new friendship, which honestly is sometimes even better than a romance.


Your card: The Empress

Get out in nature today. If you stay inside, you’ll only be stifling yourself. Go outside and enjoy the wonderful beginning of summer. The closer you can get to unbridled nature today, the better. Frolic in the fields, pick wildflowers, and take pictures of any cool animals you come across.


Your card: 6 of Wands

Take pride in your accomplishments large or small today. Whether you completed a little DIY project, got promoted at work, or hit a fitness goal, all of these life moments should be celebrated. So shout it from the rooftops, because you deserve the accolades.