Tarotscope For Today: Saturday, March 15, 2025
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Your card: The Magician
You’re incredibly powerful today. If you’ve been wanting to manifest something incredible for your life, this is the perfect day to do it. Look around you for opportunities that you might otherwise miss. When you see an opening, go after what you want.
Your card: 6 of Wands
Celebrate your wins today. If you’ve been achieving great things, whether publicly or in private, don’t let them go by unnoticed. Talk about your achievements. Tell people you care about just how cool this is. Accept that you’ve done awesome things and that you deserve recognition for them.
Your card: 3 of Swords
This isn’t going to be a good day for you. The Three of Swords signals a time of grief and heartbreak. You’ll be deep in your negative feelings, whether you’re going through something fresh and new or dwelling on heartbreaks of your past. You may just have to sleep on it and wake up feeling better tomorrow.
Your card: The Devil
Your shadow self wants the driver’s seat today. Perhaps you’ll be seduced by all the things you know you shouldn’t be doing, whether it’s as simple as procrastinating on a project or something deeper and darker. Before you make any big decisions, make sure you’re headed down the right path.
Your card: Knight of Pentacles
Stay productive today. If there’s a part of you that’s trying to convince yourself to procrastinate, don’t listen. You can always do nothing at all tomorrow. Today, you’ll want to get things done.
Your card: The Tower
You may get some news today that changes how you thought about something in your life. Things aren’t always the way they seem, and when you finally have a vision for what they really are, it can rock your world. I wouldn’t blame you if you decided to take the day to yourself just to deal with all the feelings.
Your card: The Hierophant
Things may look dark, but you can’t forget about hope. Keep your hope alive by not only thinking about how things could be better, but about ways that you can help the universe get there a little quicker. What can you do today to make your future that much brighter?
Your card: 5 of Pentacles
Filled with worry today? Whether you feel like you have good reason to be feeling this way or it’s just a dark energy that seems to be clinging to you, it can be difficult to pull your way out of it. Hopefully you’ll be feeling much better tomorrow after a good night’s sleep.
Your card: King of Pentacles
Sometimes all it takes is a little discipline to improve your circumstances. What can you do today that will increase your discipline when it comes to your career and finances? You may end up with a cool new way to have more funds.
Your card: 9 of Wands
Sometimes you just have to stand your ground when adversity comes looking for you. Whether it’s your opinions, choices, wants, or desires, your way of life is worth defending. When someone challenges you on that today, be prepared to fight.
Your card: Judgement
You’ve been too harsh lately, whether you’ve been judging yourself or someone else. We’re all human and we all make mistakes. Showing a bit of grace is the best way to handle things today, and is a huge step toward forgiveness.
Your card: 10 of Wands
You’re doing too much lately, although you probably already know that. Though you love to help the people you care about, you’d be better off sticking by yourself today so that you don’t keep overextending yourself. Burnout is imminent if you don’t start listening to your high stress levels.