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Tarotscope for Today: Saturday, October 5, 2024

Table of Contents


Knight of Pentacles

The reality of large-scale projects is that there is a lot of planning to be done, and to move towards greatness takes planning and dedication. You are relentlessly pursuing your perfect implementation of a big, new idea you’ve had. Instead of charging forward, Aries, you are spending your energy on planning everything you’ll need to get done. It’s a great day to make sure you’ve recorded all the details for your plan by scheduling the milestones towards your goals. If you’re already mid-project, then keep doing what you have planned! The daily grind may not seem glamorous, but it’s effective and exactly what is needed.


5 of Wands

Today is a great day to involve yourself in some friendly competition, the kind that sharpens your skills and where others push you to excel. I know you have a competitive streak, Taurus, but remember you aren’t looking to obliterate your competition! This isn’t about anyone feeling less-than by the end, but instead encouraging and inspiring each other to be at their best. There’s an old African proverb that if you want to go fast, go alone and if you want to go far, go together. It’s time to go as far as you can!


The Chariot, Reversed

A lot of times you really enjoy multitasking, Gemini, but today isn’t the day for it. You are definitely feeling like your energy is split in two, and it’s time to eliminate distractions and focus on one thing at a time. You’ll still feel like you’re herding two energies, but you can get them both on the same page by selecting the tasks and goals that most align with each other. If you’re having problems understanding what you should dedicate your time to today, consider what you haven’t been spending as much time and energy on and what is out of balance.


Knight of Wands

You’re filled with a lot of spirited, impulsive, fast-moving energy today, Cancer. If you can harness it, you’ll be able to make some amazing progress on your creative goals. You’ll probably feel very moved and inspired and instead of holding back you’ll go full throttle towards bringing your creative idea into reality. While you are used to being an unfailing support system for others around you, this is a card of personal action. Use all of this passion and inspiration to set yourself up to continue the momentum for the future.


3 of Wands

You aren’t a fan of being idle, Leo, so the continuous and relentless forward progress you’ll be able to experience today will suit you just fine. You’ve been planting seeds and hustling, and finally you’re starting to get the feedback and information you need so you can move on your plans. It’s time to use your energy to plot the next steps on your journey. Allow yourself to dream big dreams – there’s a lot of expansive potential for today, and a lot of things on the horizon. 


4 of Swords

You need rest, Virgo. It’s a great day to take a vacation from your problems, and just recharge. There’s an adage about spending time to sharpen the saw, and that’s exactly what you need to do. Allow yourself some time to both recuperate and be introspective about what has been happening so far. Instead of looking where you can apply your energy, relax and recover. It’s a good time to engage in some breathwork meditation. Consider what you need to heal, and allow yourself some moments of mindfulness.


8 of Wands

You have a lot of energy and movement around you today, Libra. This card is commonly associated with air travel because everything is going so incredibly fast! If you’ve been feeling stuck, or if there’s a big decision you’ve been trying to make – there will be a lot of movement on it today. Other times you might have carefully weighed everything about decisions, but today you’ll be faced with making some split-second decisions. Take advantage of the energy you’ll have in your corner and consider where you can apply your time to get the most of it. It’s going to be an exciting and exhilarating day! 


The Devil

You’re a sensual being, Scorpio, but things might go a bit overboard today. There’s going to be a lot of temptation that will draw you towards things that could possibly take over more than you’d like. While The Devil frequently speaks to addiction and bondage, it can also mean liberation and freedom from vices. There is change needed, and sometimes in order to understand that change we have to plunge deep into our personal shadows. Today is the day to do that sort of work. Spend some time interrogating your desires, and the parts of you that might be seeking liberation.


Page of Wands

A new bout of inspiration is going to strike you hard today, Sagittarius. It might be in the form of a new creative idea, or in the form of a lot of them. There will be ideas and inspiration surrounding you! You might also be inspired to find a different solution to a problem that you’ve been trying to figure out for a while. Don’t get too carried away with figuring out all of the plans to bring these ideas to full fruition – instead just allow the ideas to flow.  Enjoy the feeling. You’ll have time to allow them mature and flourish later.


8 of Swords, Reversed

You had been feeling limited and restrained, like you couldn’t see the way forward. Today, you’re finally going to feel released, Capricorn!  You will understand just how you are in control of the limiting thoughts that have been holding you back. You may even be able to negotiate a peace treaty with your inner critic.  While you’ve felt trapped, you’re now able to recognize the way forward. Now that you can see that what has been limiting you has been your own thoughts, what will you do? Are there any other thoughts or narratives that you can release to make your steps forward even lighter?


10 of Wands

You are carrying an oppressive amount of weight, Aquarius. You’re so close to your goal that you can see it, but the amount of mental and emotional (and perhaps physical) weight you are hauling feels overbearing. You’re trying to do it all, which on the one hand is noble, but on the other hand it’s overwhelming and it doesn’t allow you to attend to your needs. I know the burdens you’ve selected are important to you, but so are your happiness and health. What is really yours to carry? Do you see anyone who could help? You don’t (and shouldn’t) have to shoulder this all on your own. 


The Lovers

This might indicate a relationship coming into your life. It also might indicate a deepening of a relationship with yourself, Pisces, because “The Lovers” is a card that speaks to the choices we make that allow love into our life. Ultimately, our choices in love, whether it is for others or for ourselves, reflect our levels of self-knowledge and our values. When our choices center empathy, compassion, or other values we personally hold in addition to following our heart, it can make for a long-lasting experience that takes us on a fulfilling journey of growth.