Alena Yanovich

Tarotscope For Today: Sunday, June 16, 2024

Table of Contents


Your card: 7 of Wands

Don’t give up today. When things get tough or you lose interest in something, you normally aren’t afraid to shift your focus onto something else instead. That’s not the move right now, though. Instead, stick with the plan and see it through to the end. You’ll be better off for it.


Your card: 2 of Pentacles

You have so much to do today and it feels like there aren’t enough hours in the day to do them. The problem isn’t the tasks but instead how you approach them. Some of the things on your to-do list really aren’t as high of a priority as you’re giving them. Cut yourself slack and remember that you’re a human and not a robot.


Your card: 7 of Pentacles

If you’re having a hard time staying motivated today, think about your end goal. Where do you want your life to be in a year? Five years? Ten? Don’t just make decisions for the instant gratification, but instead look toward your future. That might help you stave off procrastination.


Your card: The Hierophant

Do you have a routine that you do every Sunday? Maybe you spend the day cleaning your home or you like to go to church and visit with friends. From brunches to days on the couch, now might be a good time to evaluate your traditions. Is your Sunday routine still serving you, or are you just going through the motions?


Your card: 3 of Cups

Call up friends or family and have a little impromptu celebration. You could host a quick get-together at your home or encourage everyone to meet you at a restaurant or bar. If no one’s available, you could always spend some time today just forming future concrete plans with the people you miss.


Your card: 6 of Cups

Do something fun today just for the sake of it. Go to a park, play your favorite childhood video game, eat sugary cereal for dinner. Just because you’re an adult, that doesn’t mean you have to leave “childish” things in childhood. We could all use a little whimsy now and again, and that includes you.


Your card: The High Priestess

You sometimes have a hard time listening to your intuition, but you’ll especially need that inner guidance today. Something’s going on just below the surface and you may have to listen to your gut to figure it out. Trust that you know what’s best for you.


Your card: 7 of Cups

Making decisions can be difficult when you don’t have all the correct information. Today, get down to the nitty gritty of something before you finally choose the right course of action. While it’s sometimes a good idea to just go with the flow, this isn’t one of those times.


Your card: Judgement

Although you might not want to admit it to yourself, you’ve been pretty judgy lately. Maybe a friend has started dating someone new and you’re worried they aren’t good enough for them. Or maybe you’re needlessly focusing your judgement inward instead. Cut everyone some slack today, including yourself.


Your card: Knight of Swords

If you want things to happen, you have to make them happen. Of course, you know that already. You’re royalty when it comes to reaching your goals. So while other people are resting on this fine Sunday, you should be doing everything you can to make your dreams come true, one day at a time.


Your card: 2 of Wands

While you’d normally be hunkering down at home, working on your hobbies and projects, that’s not the move today. Get out and do something away from home instead. Go for a hike, see a movie, get brunch with friends. You won’t realize how much you needed it until you get out there.


Your card: The Fool

It can feel daunting when you’re a beginner at something, whether it’s a new job, the start of a relationship, or learning a new skill. Rather than considering yourself a newbie–and attributing unneeded negativity to that role–instead relish in all you have to look forward to as you continue this journey.