Tarotscope For Today: Sunday, June 30, 2024
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Your card: King of Wands
Don’t dampen your fire today. All the bold, fiery, confident things that make you a classic Aries are exactly what you need to channel right now. Use your charisma and bold determination to go after what you want and to leave the kind of unforgettable impression you always do when you meet someone new.
Your card: Ace of Swords
Try something new today. While you may feel compelled to do the same thing you always do on a Sunday, you may be becoming too thoroughly ensnared by your routine. If you step away from your typical Sunday, there’s a good chance something amazing will happen that you never expected.
Your card: Queen of Wands
Whatever happens today, try to keep your happy, sunshiny attitude. It can be easy to fall into negative thoughts, especially when things aren’t going your way, but you’ll find that they hold you back now more than ever before. So find the good in the situation and keep going.
Your card: Ace of Pentacles
Now’s a great time to start a new side gig or go for a career you’ve only dreamed about. While it may be the weekend, that doesn’t mean you can’t get started today. Make a game plan for this week that can get you ever closer to the life you want to live, especially when it comes to money and your career.
Your card: 8 of Cups
Don’t think of walking away from something as “giving up” or a form of failure. It takes a lot of bravery to not only realize that a situation isn’t serving you anymore, but to actually take the steps to remove yourself from it. Today, finally accept that it’s okay to be done.
Your card: The Hanged One
It’s time for a different perspective. You can be very stubborn when it comes to your ideas of how life should be. Rather than clinging to your ideals no matter what, consider letting go a little. If you release some of that tension and have an unbiased look around, you may realize there are better ways to go about this.
Your card: 5 of Wands
Be careful interacting with people today. While you usually bring the Libra balance to social situations, your scales are off right now. Emotions are high and people–yourself included–are much more likely to get angry and argue the day away if they’re not careful. It might be a good idea to just go solo for today.
Your card: 6 of Pentacles
Share the wealth today. Whether you want to give money to charity or local projects or you’d rather donate time, food, or items, this is the perfect time to help people. Generosity not only helps people directly, but puts good energy into the universe that could turn the tides in your favor.
Your card: 7 of Pentacles
If you want to reach your goals, you have to do that pesky stuff called “work.” The middle part of reaching your dreams–the part where you just hunker down and do all the minutiae that gets you there–is often the point where people give up. Today, look this phase in the face and tell it that you’re not the kind of person who gives up.
Your card: The Moon
Something’s going on just below the surface and today’s the day when you get a glimpse of the truth. Whether it’s your own secret that you’ve been hiding from everyone including yourself, or some truth of another’s that gets revealed, you’ll be ending the weekend still feeling the shock.
Your card: King of Swords
You’ll be feeling clearer than ever today. This would be a good time to make a decision that you’ve been holding out on. You’ve likely already done all the research you needed and it’s time to take that next step. Don’t worry–you can handle it.
Your card: 10 of Swords
Regardless of your intentions for the day, things aren’t going how you planned. An outside force–especially one from your social circle–may be causing chaos. You could be feeling betrayed or lost, which could make it impossible for you to spin this in a positive way. Sometimes you just have to sit with the feelings.