
Tarotscope For Today: Thursday, April 4, 2024

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Your card: The Chariot

If you want to make big moves today, you have to stick to the plan. While you can sometimes fall into great experiences with little or no planning, the big things–the ones connected to your ultimate dreams and goals–need more determination and action than that. Today, take a step in the right direction by coming up with a game plan.


Your card: 8 of Cups

While there’s plenty of merit in trying to make something work, there comes a point when you’re just Sisyphus endlessly pushing a boulder up a mountain. Today, listen to that feeling in your gut that’s telling you it’s finally time to let go. This isn’t a failure–it’s a reimagining of how you thought things would be.


Your card: 3 of Wands

In order to get what you want, you need to communicate well. While you’re no stranger to communication, you have to make sure that you’re talking to the right person in the right way. Today, have that big conversation you’ve been putting off. You may just finally get the answers you were hoping for.


Your card: Wheel of Fortune

Look for the little pieces of good luck that could make your whole day better. If you walk around with your eyes and heart open, you may just happen upon opportunities you might never have noticed. This is the universe showing you the way today, and it would be a shame if you let it pass.


Your card: 6 of Cups

While you might not be the type of person to dwell in the past, that’s where part of your mind will be living today. Hopefully you’ll have your attention set on happier and more innocent times rather than on the past hurts that left scars. Dream of your childhood snacks and favorite cartoons, and not the pain you can’t go back and prevent.


Your card: 6 of Wands

While you might work hard, you aren’t doing it just to fill your time with meaningless dithering. You have goals, hopes, and dreams to achieve. Today, spend some time celebrating all that you’ve accomplished. You can go big and have a little party, or just quietly give yourself a pat on the back–whichever floats your boat.


Your card: 4 of Pentacles

While you might have something in mind to buy today, hold back. Even if you can afford it, this card is encouraging you to save the money just in case something big comes up that needs it more. It’s better to feel safe and security than to waste your money on something you don’t need.


Your card: Death

Something is ending or has just ended and you’re on the precipice of change. Whether you’re the one orchestrating this transition or you’re just reluctantly along for the ride, you may be feeling unpleasantly unseated today. While the unknown stretches out ahead of you, there’s so much good that could be hiding within.


Your card: The Hanged One

If you’re having trouble seeing a situation from someone else’s perspective today, the first thing you have to do is let go of your own preconceived notions. Your long-held beliefs aren’t doing you any favors right now. Shed your biases and you’ll finally be able to understand their point of view.


Your card: The Fool

This is the perfect day to try something new. Sure, you won’t be an expert at it, but no one is born knowing how to do everything. So go out there and learn to roller skate or try and fail to crochet a little goblin friend. At the very least, you’ll have a really good time. (And create more anecdotes to share the next time you see your best friend.)


Your card: Ace of Pentacles

There may be an opportunity to manifest your dreams when it comes to work and money today. If you were hoping for a sign to ask your boss for a promotion, here it is. You’re a hard worker, so you might as well reap the benefits from all the hours and sweat you’ve put in.


Your card: 3 of Cups

Get together with friends today. Even if you’re busy, even if some of them have plans, you shouldn’t be all on your own today. That’s not because you’re going through anything negative–it would just feel so good to see some of your favorite people right now. Sometimes a little social time is all you need.