Alena Yanovich

Tarotscope For Today: Thursday, March 27, 2025

Table of Contents


Your card: King of Swords

You’re having an intense moment of clarity today, which means you may notice things that you weren’t seeing before. This could be a secret someone has been keeping from you, social energy you’ve ignored, or maybe even your own thoughts that you’ve been suppressing.


Your card: Death

One phase of your life is ending while ushering in a new path. This doesn’t have to be a bad thing, though! Growth and change are natural parts of life, even if you may want to stubbornly stomp your feet and cling to the way your life is now. Alas, sometimes you have no choice but to move forward.


Your card: Queen of Wands

If you go into your day with a good attitude, it’ll make all the little brave choices you make so much easier. Whether you find social interactions difficult sometimes or you’re just tired and don’t want to do anything today, a lighter mood and a smile on your face will help get you through.


Your card: Ace of Pentacles

Is there anything you want to change about your financial situation? Maybe you would like to save more or make more money or change your career entirely. Today is a great day for manifesting those changes. Think about what you want and take the steps to get there.


Your card: The High Priestess

Follow your gut today. There may be something simmering under the surface and you’ll be able to get to the bottom of it if you use your innate intuition. Deep down, you already know the answer–you just have to access it.


Your card: Knight of Cups

While you might prefer to use only your brain to make decisions, that’s not always the right move. Logic can only get you so far when your feelings are a part of the equation. Today, follow your heart instead of your head. Do what makes you happy and everything else will fall into place.


Your card: Queen of Cups

Other people in your life may be going through a rough time right now. As a Libra, you’re great at making your friends feel better, and that’s the best thing you can do right now. You might not be able to solve their problems, but you can at least be a calm and comforting presence when they need it most.


Your card: 8 of Swords

Are you feeling powerless in your life right now? Maybe things are going on that feel beyond your control and you can’t help but lament the direction things are going. While you may not be able to stop all of it, you still have more control than you think. Do what you can to feel better.


Your card: The Empress

Get outside and into nature today. It’s finally spring, so you might as well enjoy the budding leaves on the formerly barren trees and the first signs of tulips peaking up from dead leaves. Breathe in that crisp air and appreciate everything the natural world has brought to you.


Your card: 2 of Swords

Avoiding a problem doesn’t make it go away, yet here you are, trying to pretend that you don’t have a big decision to make. Today, finally make a choice. If there’s no clear right or wrong answer, that makes this hard for you, but not impossible. You can do it.


Your card: 6 of Pentacles

Sharing is caring, Aquarius. Do what you can to share the wealth today, whether it’s literal money or the other things you have in abundance. It could be food or time or compassion. Either way, touch the lives of the people around you.


Your card: 4 of Swords

Take it easy today. Sure, there are probably some things you could be doing, but only do what’s absolutely necessary. Any free time you have left, just rest and relax.