Alena Yanovich

Tarotscope For Today: Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Table of Contents


Your card: 6 of Pentacles

This is the perfect day to focus on generosity. If you have a surplus of something, whether it’s time, money, food or clothing, you should share what you have with others. It could be an anonymous donation scenario or just simply taking your friends out to a nice dinner. Do the world some good.


Your card: 6 of Swords

You hate change–we get it. You’d rather everything just stay the same. The sad truth is that you can’t outrun progress. Whether it’s a change you wanted or one that’s been forced upon you, you’re now stuck in this transition period. Today, focus on the good that can come from it.


Your card: Wheel of Fortune

The tides are turning in your favor today. Maybe it’s the fact that we’re now out of Mercury retrograde and you can finally take a big breath of relief. Regardless, this is a lucky time for you when cool things will happen. Just remember that any bad karma you carry around could sour the whole experience.


Your card: The Lovers

When it comes to your relationships, whether platonic or romantic, strive for harmony today. Any discord will just compound, making it so much worse. If that means you might have to steer clear of some people today, then that’s what you should do to keep things positive.


Your card: 7 of Swords

Some kind of deception is going on behind the scenes right now, and it could be affecting you today. It might be your own deception with others or with yourself, or it could be someone in your life sewing seeds of discontent. Either way, be wary of interpersonal issues today.


Your card: Justice

Do what’s fair today. Don’t just take what you need or give too much to someone who doesn’t deserve it. We’re all better off when life is more balanced, purposeful, and fair. Luckily you love when life goes the way it should, so you shouldn’t have a problem being fair today.


Your card: 9 of Wands

Don’t give in to the feelings of giving up that may be plaguing you today. It could be over something big or just that feeling telling you to procrastinate. While some days it’s perfectly fine to waver in uncertainty or give in to your desire to do nothing at all, this isn’t one of those days.


Your card: 8 of Swords

Why are you holding yourself back today? Don’t choose to wallow in sadness or self-imposed restriction. You’re a beautiful flower, so stop trying to stop yourself from blooming. Spend today letting yourself flourish and you may just want to do that all the time from now on.


Your card: 9 of Pentacles

This is a great day to treat yourself to something fun. You could take yourself out on a date to your favorite restaurant or go get a massage. You’re worth all the attention and you can shower yourself with love all by yourself without needing anyone else to do it for you.


Your card: 10 of Pentacles

You’re feeling especially happy and fulfilled today–especially when it comes to career and financial situations. Perhaps all the hard work that you put in on a regular basis is finally paying off. Do something today to celebrate so these good things don’t float by without unnoticed


Your card: 6 of Wands

There’s nothing wrong with taking pride in your accomplishments. Humbleness is all well and good as long as you don’t fade into the background because of it. Today, notice all the good you’ve done and don’t be afraid to let others know about it, too. You deserve a pat on the back.


Your card: 5 of Pentacles

Don’t let worry and anxiety get the best of you today. While we all have our down days–and they can’t always be helped–we get to decide what we do with these bad feelings. Will you let them pull you under or will you weather the day with your head held high?