Alena Yanovich

Tarotscope For Today: Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Table of Contents


Your card: Strength

While you’re one of the braver signs of the zodiac, that doesn’t mean that you’re always advocating for yourself no matter what. Even you have times when you let things slide when you shouldn’t. Today, make sure that you aren’t letting someone take advantage of you just because you don’t want to hurt their feelings.


Your card: Queen of Pentacles

Let your nurturing side shine today. When someone needs you, especially when it comes to concrete things like money and food, give what you can. It could even be a charity for big world events that are happening as we speak. The world could be a little brighter today if you shared what you have.


Your card: 9 of Swords

Anxiety is creeping up on you today. Even if things seem totally fine on the surface, there may be a pit of worry roiling inside of you. While it might be nice to let it all go, that’s obviously easier said than done. Perhaps you’ll just have to wait for a better day tomorrow.


Your card: 2 of Cups

This is a great day to work together with someone you care about. Hang out with your best friend or go on a date with your partner. If you have a crush, you could even make a plan to see them. Whatever it is, don’t spend today alone. If you do, you’re just wasting all this good social energy that’s surrounding you.


Your card: Knight of Swords

If you’ve been looking for a sign from the universe to go after the things you want, here it is. Today is as good as any to make that move you’ve been holding back from. There’s no good reason why you shouldn’t get what you want, so stop getting in your own way and go get it.


Your card: 5 of Swords

Sometimes you just have to admit to yourself when something isn’t working anymore. It isn’t failure–it’s just the natural process of life. You can’t be amazing at everything, and this is your time to accept that. While you could keep fighting and struggling, that would do you more harm than good.


Your card: Page of Pentacles

Has there been a promotion or side gig you’ve had your eye on? Or maybe you’ve been looking for an opportunity to quit your job and try something new. This is the perfect day to make your move. Your powers for manifestation, especially in the career space, are on high, so take advantage of it while you can.


Your card: 8 of Swords

You aren’t as powerless as you feel today. There’s something happening that you think is out of your hands, but the truth is that you can steer where this situation is going. Don’t sit on the sidelines when you could be out there getting things done.


Your card: Knight of Pentacles

You hate routines, I get it. You’d rather be doing literally anything else than working, which is why you try to fill up your free time with fun and adventure. Still, sometimes you need to devote yourself to the less fun aspects of life–and today is that day.


Your card: The World

Something you’ve been working toward is finally at its end. While some endings feel bittersweet, this is one area when you feel nothing but happiness and accomplishment. Today, do something to celebrate what you’ve done. Go out with friends, buy drinks or splurge on something you’ve been wanting. You’ve earned it.


Your card: 2 of Swords

Have you been having a hard time making a decision lately? Now’s your time to finally bite the bullet and choose. I know it can be hard, because it will usher in a time of transition, but the change was inevitable anyway. At least this way, you can claim more control.


Your card: 5 of Cups

You’re not normally the type of person who is plagued by regret, yet today there’s something in the air and you’re wallowing in the past more than ever. You have to decide if this mental exercise is helping you or holding you back. The odds are good that it’s the latter.