Alena Yanovich

Tarotscope For Today: Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Table of Contents


Your card: Knight of Swords

You have your moments when you’re incredibly ambitious. It’s that natural fiery Aries attitude that gives you all your confidence. Today, channel that ambition to go after what you want. Often all you have to do is ask. And if you need to talk yourself up a bit, you’re good at that, too.


Your card: Knight of Pentacles

If you’re having a hard time being productive today, you could always create a routine. What could you do on a regular basis to finally break free from the procrastination that grips you? Start implementing that routine today and you could see some major progress.


Your card: 8 of Swords

Blaming the universe or the world or your parents may sound like a good idea in theory but you’re also giving your power away by doing that. While it might feel like your circumstances are someone else’s fault, that’s not really the case. Today, accept that you have way more power over your life than you think.


Your card: King of Cups

Search for balance today, especially when it comes to your emotions. Since you’re known as one of the most emotional signs of the zodiac, others may think that this would be a difficult task for you. While they’re right some of the time, you’ll find it natural to keep your emotional balance today.


Your card: The Magician

This is a great card when it comes to manifestation. With this message from the universe, you’re more powerful than ever–especially if you’re working toward achieving your dreams or getting what you want. Make things happen today so you don’t waste this energy.


Your card: The Lovers

There’s harmony in your life right now, especially when it comes to your social relationships. Although this card could be pointing toward a harmonious romantic relationship, it could also indicate a great day for a deep friendship or close family situation. Embrace the harmony and show how much you care for this incredible person.


Your card: 7 of Wands

Today is going to be hard work, but you know what you can do to get through it? Persevere. Just keep working and you’ll muscle through the day. And, once you’ve gotten everything done, you can relax knowing that you were super productive.


Your card: 9 of Wands

Tired? It’s totally understandable with the day you’re having. Exhaustion is a sign that you might be working yourself a little too hard. Then again, sometimes you have no choice. Hunker down and keep working and you’ll get through the day just fine. (And will probably sleep really well because of it.)


Your card: 10 of Wands

When someone asks you for a favor today, this is the universe giving you permission to say no. If you accept, you’re just overextending yourself since you’re already worn so thin. You’d be using up time and energy that you actually don’t have to give.


Your card: The Emperor

Sometimes you just have to be the decision-maker, and that’s you today. Luckily you’re more than happy to take the lead when the need arises. Step up and be the “boss,” even if that’s not typically your role. Sometimes the people around you just need a gentle nudge in the right direction.


Your card: 4 of Pentacles

You might have the urge to splurge on something nice for yourself today. Even if you’ve been saving up the money and know you can afford it, this card is encouraging you to wait. It’s better to save the expense for today just in case something more important comes up.


Your card: The Devil

You have a decision to make today. Do you do the thing that gives you immediate pleasure, but you know might not be the right choice? Or do you do the healthier and more boring option? Obviously many things are fine in moderation, so your choice may be harder than ever.