Tarotscope For Today: Wednesday, May 22, 2024
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Your card: King of Swords
You’re smart, but how often do you actually listen to the intelligent part of your brain? Sometimes you’re so impatient and impulsive that it can look to an outsider like you don’t think at all. Today, prove them wrong by thinking before you speak and act. You may just keep yourself out of trouble.
Your card: 10 of Swords
It can be nearly impossible to say goodbye, especially when you’re not fully ready to let go of what you once had. Today, loosen your grip on the way you envisioned life could be. It may just dull the sharp feeling of regret that’s been coursing through you and help you greet your new reality.
Your card: 9 of Cups
You’re feeling particularly balanced and stable today, which isn’t always the go-to energy you have in everyday life. Because of this emotional stability, this is the perfect day to make some big decisions. You’re much better equipped to make the right move today.
Your card: 6 of Wands
You’re sometimes hesitant to celebrate when you achieve something monumental because you don’t want to seem conceded or braggy. Today, skip all those negative emotions that are holding you back. Instead, celebrate your achievements with the pride they deserve.
Your card: Queen of Swords
You may have to be clear and direct with someone today who just hasn’t been getting the hint. It might require a very awkward conversation, but you’ll be so much better off if you have it. Put more effort into being clear than worrying about their feelings or they may not fully understand you.
Your card: Strength
Exercise your bravery today. Sometimes we have to do things that are scary and it would be so much easier if we didn’t have to do them at all. Alas, that’s not how life works. You’re strong and can handle what’s coming your way though, so you don’t need to worry too much about the outcome.
Your card: Queen of Wands
If you’re passionate about something, it makes it so much easier to go after what you want. But today, you might be faltering. Whether plagued by doubts are just some old fashioned procrastination, get yourself out of this slump by figuring out what makes you passionate.
Your card: Judgement
You’re being way too hard on yourself today. While you should have high standards for yourself and your behavior, it’s easy to make too lofty of goals so that you never reach them. You’re human. You make mistakes. You’re imperfect. You’re messy. And that’s okay. Don’t forget it.
Your card: The Hierophant
You tend to struggle against tradition and routine. You like to be free, which is what so many people love about you. But make sure you aren’t running from what you “should” be doing just on principle. Perhaps you’re running from something else and won’t let yourself admit it.
Your card: 6 of Cups
You might be a little stuck in the past today. While it can be fun to look back on your younger years with a bit of nostalgia, that crosses into dangerous territory when you start worrying too much about how things have gone wrong. If you start thinking about what you “should have” done, it’s time to change the subject.
Your card: 4 of Swords
Take it easy today. You may like to work and get things done, but there is such a thing as burnout. You’re not immune to it. Take at least some of the day to do things that make you feel rejuvenated and relaxed. Stress is a killer and you should dodge it as best you can.
Your card: Page of Wands
As the dreamer of the zodiac, you have all sorts of things you want to do, but maybe not enough time to do all of them. Today, follow what you’re enthusiastic about. What idea keeps popping into your head? That’s how you should spend the rest of your day–following that dream.