Thought Catalog Agency

The 12 Zodiacs As Annoying Habits


Speaking before thinking.

Do you think before you speak? No. You probably don’t even think after you speak. You just let the worlds float out of you and into the ether, none the wiser.


Wearing the same clothes for days on end.

Why change your clothes when you’re just going to be sitting around at home all weekend? It’s not like you’re getting them dirty…


Talking behind everyone’s backs.

Hey, if they didn’t want people to gossip about them, why would they be doing the things they’re doing? That makes it okay, right? Right?


Saying everything’s fine when it’s not.

You wish you meant it. You want to be casual and low-maintenance. Unfortunately saying you’re fine isn’t going to magically make it true.


Taking all the credit.

What’s the harm in just saying thank you when someone compliments your week. Sure, it was a group thing, but those people aren’t here…


Biting your nails.

Few things will betray your otherwise calm demeanor like the frayed edges of your ultra-short nails. All that stress has to go somewhere, right?


Repeating the same mistakes over and over.

Maybe this time will be different. Or next time? Maybe if you just hope really hard, you’ll manifest change. Just ignore all your frustrated friends who insist you stop the cycle.


Having imaginary arguments in your head.

No shower is complete without an elaborate argument with your boss or old friend from high school or the second grade teacher who told you that you were disruptive to the rest of the class.


Cussing like a sailor.

It’s just words, right? Why should anyone care that most of your sentences are peppered with a colorful array of four-letter words? They should mind their own business.


Talking to yourself.

As soon as you’re alone, you fill the silence with incessant chatter. You talk about your day, you sing about how you’re currently filling the ice tray, you wonder aloud what you should eat for dinner. There’s no silence when you’re by yourself.


Disappearing for weeks at a time.

It’s not that you don’t care about people. You just forget that your friends and family exist when they’re not standing right in front of you.


Talking to your pets like they’re humans.

“You agree with mommy right? The book was way better than the movie. Thank you for the meow! See, you understand.”