The Luckiest Thing About You, Based On Your Zodiac Sign
The luckiest thing about you is your unending enthusiasm. You’re down to do just about anything and your impulsiveness propels you before you even need to think about it. Your luck comes when you put yourself in new situations.
The luckiest thing about you is your fierce fighter energy. You’ll defend anyone you care about–and even people you barely know–if it means protecting them from bad energy. And when you put that kind of positivity into the world, good luck finds you.
The luckiest thing about you is your flirtatiousness. You draw people to you and make them feel special just for getting your attention. By drawing in so many people, you’re also attracting the good luck that comes from knowing them.
The luckiest thing about you is your empathy. You care about people and when they’re in crisis, you jump at the chance to help. Your luck expands when you open your arms to let people in.
The luckiest thing about you is your star quality. You’re not afraid to pull focus, and that draws the attention of the kind of luck that helps you go places. Most of the best things in your life were drawn to you in this way.
The luckiest thing about you is your preparedness. Of all the zodiacs, you’re the one most adept at making your own luck. You plan for every eventuality and craft the exact right way to make your dreams come true, all on your own.
The luckiest thing about you is your social prowess. You’re great at connecting with people and extending their connection to each other, creating an intricate web of a social network. Knowing and loving so many people brings you good social luck.
The luckiest thing about you is your mysterious nature. People are drawn to you because they want to figure you out. Luck is drawn to you in the same way. The universe wants to see what you’ll do next.
The luckiest thing about you is your willingness to make it happen. You don’t just sit idly by, doing the same thing every day. You strive for an interesting life, and luck with find you in the spontaneous moments you never expected.
The luckiest thing about you is your drive. Nothing in the world will stop you from making your dreams a reality. And when you put that drive into practice, good luck will help you along the way.
The luckiest thing about you are your conversation skills. When you find someone interesting, you can’t help but get to know everything about them. And good luck finds you in those connections.
The luckiest thing about you are the connections you make with everyone you meet. You draw people to you because they find your aura interesting. And the more people you know, the luckier you’ll be.