Thought Catalog Agency

The One Sentence Motivation You Need To Hear Right Now, Based On Your Zodiac + Tarot


Your card: Knight of Cups

Whenever you’re feeling stuck, just follow your heart to end up where you truly belong.


Your card: The World

While it might feel daunting to watch something end, it’s all worth it when you focus on the accomplishment it took to get there.


Your card: 7 of Swords

You might be able to get away with fighting dirty, but you’ll feel infinitely better if you do things in the direction your heart leads.


Your card: Knight of Pentacles

Sure, it takes hard work to reach your goals, but that doesn’t mean you can’t have fun with it.


Your card: 7 of Pentacles

All you ever really need to hear is that you’re doing the right things, so this is that moment: You’re doing the right thing, Leo.


Your card: Page of Wands

Whenever you get stuck, lead with creativity and enthusiasm to break yourself out of your rut.


Your card: 8 of Pentacles

While repetitive tasks are the boring way to get to your goal, you can always listen to summer playlists or murder podcasts to make it way more fun.


Your card: The Star

While it’s great to feel inspired, you can’t always wait for the muse to strike in order to create something amazing.


Your card: The Emperor

Whenever you’re having trouble with motivation, just act like you’re the boss of yourself–the kind of boss you respect too much not to let down.


Your card: 9 of Wands

Whenever you’re getting tired of the grind, do all those self-care tasks you’ve been putting off–right now is that rainy day.


Your card: 7 of Cups

Whenever things get hard, look toward what motivated you in the first place and you’ll have a renewed sense of purpose.


Your card: The Moon

Remember: You have everything you need to make it through, even if you have to dig a little deep to find the remaining energy to get through the finish line.