Alina Rossoshanska

The Red Flag You Constantly Ignore, Based On Your Zodiac + Tarot


Your card: 10 of Swords

The red flag you ignore is the partner who talks shit about all their exes. Sure, everyone’s probably dated someone who turned out terrible, but if every single person they dated was “crazy” they may be the problem.


Your card: Ace of Pentacles

The red flag you ignore is a partner who looks great on paper–especially when it comes to money–but doesn’t fit any of the other criteria you’re looking for. Money isn’t everything, doll.


Your card: Queen of Wands

The red flag you ignore your is a passionate lover who is compatible with you in any other way. You love the chase, so you’ll go more for great flirting and drama when the person may not actually be right for you.


Your card: The Hanged One

The red flag you ignore is the partner who refuses to see issues from your perspective. You’ll try to convince them of your side but their stubbornness will prevent them from ever having the empathy you deserve.


Your card: 6 of Pentacles

The red flag you ignore is the person who doesn’t give as much as you do in the relationship. After a while, it feels like you’ve invested far more, but you stay in the hopes they’ll start to reciprocate.


Your card: 6 of Wands

The red flag you ignore is the person who cares more about what everyone else thinks instead of you. They’ll constantly compare the relationship to those of their friends, making you feel like you don’t measure up.


Your card: 2 of Wands

The red flag you ignore is the person who has plans for life that are different than your own. You tell yourself that these are deal-breakers, but once you’re actually in the relationship, it’s so hard to leave.


Your card: King of Pentacles

The red flag you ignore is the partner who tries to control your finances. It starts innocently enough but it very soon tips the scale into financial abuse if you’re not careful.


Your card: Strength

The red flag you ignore is the partner who refuses to be vulnerable. You encourage them to talk about your feelings, but it’s like trying to relate to a brick wall.


Your card: 9 of Cups

The red flag you ignore is the partner who spends too much on frivolous expenses. At first it seems fine–after all, they say they can afford it–but then you start to wonder if it’s actually a spending problem.


Your card: 2 of Swords

The red flag you ignore is a partner who avoids making any decisions. They always leave it up to you which means you always get the blame when things don’t turn out the way they’d hoped.


Your card: The Fool

The red flag you ignore is a partner who uses weaponized incompetence to manipulate you into doing everything. Soon, you’ve taken on the mental and physical load of the relationship while they get to sit back and watch.