The Type Of Love You Have To Hang On To
Hang on to the type of love who feels like both an inhale and an exhale, a safe haven and an adventure. Hang on to the type of love who helps you find the words hiding beneath the tip of your tongue and the ground at your feet and a deeper meaning to your humanity. Hang on to the type of love who doesn’t want to “fix” you or change you or make you wish you could fill in the outline they had of you in their mind. Hang on to the type of love who takes you as all that you are but still encourages you to become all that you can be. Hang on to the type of love who you want to run to with your good news and your bad news and your you-will-not-believe-what-happened-at-the-office-today news. Hang on to the type of love you can exist in comfortable silences with. Hang on to the type of love who sees the best in you even when you can’t see it yourself. Hang on to the type of love who feels like home, like grace, like the person you didn’t know you had been missing until they walked into your life. Invite them to stay, offer them your hand, hope they hold on to you, too.