The Type Of Problem Solver You Are, According To The Pallas Athena Asteroid

Pallas Athena is one of the largest asteroids in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, classified as a planetoid due to its size. Discovered in the early 19th century, it is known for its irregular shape and considerable size, making it a significant object of study in astronomy.

Named after the Greek goddess of Wisdom, Pallas Athena is the asteroid with the closest orbit to knowledge-expanding Jupiter. The location of this asteroid in your birth chart indicates how you solve problems, think critically, and treat authority.

You can find your Pallas sign here. See how this asteroid placement affects how you navigate the world—as well as how to rule it!

Pallas Athena in Aries

People with Pallas Athena in Aries solve problems directly, aggressively, and honestly. When it comes to getting what they want, natives do not play games. Natives treat authority as a challenge to their independence and find ways to get special treatment by being the best at what they do. If they’re not given the freedom to do what they please, these people will conquer and replace whoever is in charge. 

Pallas Athena in Taurus 

Natives treat problems by investing in the best materials and people. People with this asteroid placement take a practical approach to dilemmas, taking the straight path between the problem and its solution. When it comes to authority, Pallas in Taurus individuals are pragmatic, finding ways to be useful to employers and people in power.

Pallas Athena in Gemini

Pallas Athena in Gemini people research the best ways to solve problems, discuss potential solutions with the group, and then implement the agreed-upon approach. Natives use their natural sales ability to promote the plan that makes the most sense to them. Regarding authority, these individuals will charm and beguile powerful people into doing their bidding. 

Pallas Athena in Cancer

Taking ownership of problems is a specialty of people with Pallas Athena in Cancer. They find solutions by putting their emotional intelligence to good use. Natives do this by appeasing disgruntled people and then taking steps to prevent such errors from ever happening again. Pallas Athena in Cancer people have a healthy respect for authority figures, understanding their success is tied to their own. 

Pallas Athena in Leo

People with Pallas Athena in Leo solve problems by projecting humor and self-confidence. Their ability to win people over with their star power helps natives easily vault over dilemmas. When rivals won’t budge from a position, Pallas Athena in Leo people cultivate a fan base that will rush to their defense and advance their agenda. People with this asteroid placement view authority figures as absurd and treat them with bemused tolerance.  

Pallas Athena in Virgo

As far as problem-solving is concerned for people with Pallas Athena in Virgo, the devil is in the details. When faced with a dilemma, this individual examines the situation from every angle and then comes up with a step-by-step solution to it. Natives treat authority figures with respect, preferring them to deal with the big picture while they attend to tiny brush strokes.  

Pallas Athena in Libra

Pallas Athena in Libra people prefer to solve problems collaboratively. Brainstorming sessions trigger their sharp intellect, helping them find solutions that please everyone concerned. Individuals with this asteroid placement judge authority figures on how well they do their jobs, respecting those who are effective and disdaining those who are not. People with this asteroid placement often replace ineffectual leaders. 

Pallas Athena in Scorpio

Solving problems is second nature to people with Pallas Athena in Scorpio. These individuals have uncanny instincts about where the root of every trouble lies. Instead of tiptoeing around the difficulty, they identify its root cause and then expose the irritant to the light. As far as authority is concerned, Pallas Athena in Scorpio natives seek to command it at all costs. 

Pallas Athena in Sagittarius

Optimism is the problem-solving technique used by Pallas Athena in Sagittarius people. These upbeat individuals believe the Universe is a benevolent place that has their best interests at heart. Consequently, they manifest solutions through their positive assumptions. People with this asteroid placement see authority figures as a necessary evil, but never hesitate to expose liars, wrongdoers, and criminals who occupy positions of power.

Pallas Athena in Capricorn

People with this asteroid placement solve problems through trial and error. Blessed with a great work ethic, these individuals will chip away until the dilemma no longer exists. Then, they’ll use their victory as a springboard to bigger and better positions. When they have staff—and Pallas Athena in Capricorn people often do—they delegate chores with ease, preferring to focus on big issues. Natives don’t just admire authority; they embody it.

Pallas Athena in Aquarius

Pallas Athena in Aquarius people are innovators. When faced with a problem, they often create a better way of doing things. Inventing time-saving devices, fast-working compounds, and efficient software programs comes naturally to these natives. Individuals with this asteroid placement love challenging old-fashioned authority figures and won’t hesitate to expose frauds, phonies, and manipulators.

Pallas Athena in Pisces

Those who have Pallas Athena in Pisces solve problems intuitively. When faced with a dilemma, they retreat to a quiet place and wait for inspiration to strike. If that doesn’t work, a nap usually does—Pallas Athena in Pisces people often get brilliant ideas while dreaming. Natives are distrustful of authority and try to evade people who are in positions of power.  When they occupy positions of power, Pallas Athena in Pisces people operate by stealth.