The Unconventional Place Each Zodiac Will Find Love In 2023, According To A Tarot Reader
Your card: 7 of Swords
You’ll find love where you go to heal. If you’ve got a little park by your house you go to when you just want to feel sad, you’ll find unexpected happiness there. Now that spot can stand for something good.
Your card: 6 of Pentacles
You’ll find love at a volunteering event. You’re just there to help people, but if love finds you, you have no complaints. Plus, your new love will care just as much as you do.
Your card: 7 of Pentacles
You’ll find love at the bank. You’ll just be minding your own business, finally cashing in your piggy bank full of random change, when BOOM, you find love.
Your card: 9 of Pentacles
You’ll find love at a fancy garden. Just hang around your city’s famous rose or lily garden and wait for love to find you. Honestly, there’s nothing more romantic than this.
Your card: 2 of Wands
You’ll find love at a local spot you’ve never been to before. Take some time this year visiting all the hidden gems. You’ll have cool new experiences all while falling in love.
Your card: 5 of Swords
You’ll find love at an arcade. Even better if it’s one of those arcade bars. Buy someone a drink and challenge them to a game. You might just win their heart.
Your card: The World
You’ll find love while on vacation. If you’ve ever fantasized about falling in love in Paris, now’s your chance. It could be just a summer fling or become something you can take home.
Your card: The Fool
You’ll fall in love at your favorite hiking spot. Maybe you’ll notice a gorgeous regular you can strike up a conversation with while at the trailhead. Best of all, you babes have the same interest.
Your card: Ace of Pentacles
You’ll fall in love at the checkout line of the grocery store. You’ll strike up a conversation about candy or the song playing over the store speakers and the rest is history.
Your card: The Star
You’ll find love at a local open mic night. Will it be the acoustic guitar-player? The spoken word poet? The stand-up comedian? Or maybe a fellow audience goer just looking for a good time?
Your card: 6 of Wands
You’ll find love at a wedding. There’s something about the celebration–love is in the air. Talk to everyone, including the person who catches your eye the most.
Your card: Page of Pentacles
You’ll find love on your lunch break. If you have a regular spot you go on work days just to get away from the grind, that’s where you’ll find your next love. Bonus points if they’re reading a book.