This Is Who Each Zodiac Misses The Most Right Now
Thought Catalog Agency

This Is Who Each Zodiac Misses The Most Right Now


You miss the people you had the strongest sexual chemistry with. The people who gave you butterflies, just by staring at you from across the room. The people who would shamelessly flirt with you and make you feel incredible about yourself, whether you were talking in person or over text.


You miss the people you were able to hang around the house and do absolutely nothing with. The people who were happy to sit on opposite ends of the couch, scrolling through their phones or typing on their computer with movies playing in the background. The people who you could really relax and let your guard down around.


You miss the people who gave you your firsts. Maybe it was the first time you were kissed or the first time you had a real friend, but they were the ones who made you realize it was possible to feel a feeling more intense than anything you’ve experienced before. And you wish you could get that sensation back.


You miss the people who made you feel needed. The people who actually appreciated all of the ways that you reached out to help them. The people who made you feel like you were making an impact and improving their world a little bit at a time.


You miss the people who brought out your wild side. The people who weren’t afraid to embark on random adventures with you in the middle of the night or the workweek. The people you were able to do the most ridiculous, embarrassing things with because you knew you had each other’s backs.


You miss the people you were able to have deep, thoughtful conversations with in the middle of the night. The people who shared their darkest secrets with you and listened as you did the same. The people who knew you better than most because they weren’t afraid to get real with you.


You miss the people who knew you when you were younger and more innocent. The people who watched you grow up and develop into the person you are today. The people who saw you at your worst and still stayed — until they were finally gone.


You miss the people who were your opposites. Who brought out your lighter side. Who made you feel a little less grumpy whenever they walked into the room or sent you a text. You miss the people that it seems like you would never get along with on paper, but you somehow fit together better than most people ever could. 


You miss the people who you have no business missing. Who you know didn’t treat you the way you deserved. Who taught you what you didn’t want from a friend or a partner. But for some reason, you can’t get them off of your mind.


You miss the people who left without an explanation. Who were there and then gone without a real warning. Who never sat you down and told you what you did to upset them, if anything, and why they would decide to ruin something that you considered so special.


You miss the people who inspired you and supported you. Who made you feel like you were capable of accomplishing anything you put your heart into. Who helped raise your confidence — and even though they’re gone now, their impact has remained.


You miss the people who were able to make you laugh until you cried. The people who had a thousand inside jokes with you and were always coming up with more. The people who you thought would be in your circle forever but have somehow drifted away from you.