
What Disney Princess Are You, Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Aries: Anna from Frozen

In Frozen, Anna blazes with the fiery spirit of an Aries. With her boundless courage and adventurous heart, she fearlessly charges into the unknown, driven by a desire to reunite with her sister Elsa and save the kingdom from eternal winter. Anna’s energetic enthusiasm mixed with her unwavering determination propel her forward, even in the face of challenges. Like an Aries, her passionate nature and feisty resolve sets her apart, igniting a flame of hope. With her Aries traits, Anna leads others with her strong spirit and courage.

Taurus: Merida from Brave

Merida is a true example of a Taurus, radiating with traits that define the zodiac sign’s strength and determination. Her fierce independence and unwavering resolve to carve her own destiny reflect the stubbornness and determination typical of Taurus individuals. Venturing through the lush and untamed landscapes of the Scottish Highlands, Merida finds freedom in the great outdoors. Yet, it is her unwavering loyalty to her family’s traditions and heritage, evident in her fierce determination to break the curse placed upon her by unconventional means, that truly sets her apart. Merida stands as a shining example of the Taurus spirit, embodying the essence of strength, resilience, and unwavering determination that inspires all who witness her journey.

Gemini: Rapunzel from Tangled

Rapunzel, with her luminous spirit and cascading golden locks, embodies the essence of a Gemini spirit. She has that gemini insatiable curiosity and eagerness to explore. With her playful spirit and storytelling skills, she charms everyone she meets. Like Gemini’s twins, she balances freedom and duty, longing for adventure while cherishing her roots. Rapunzel’s zest for life and magnetic personality light up the world, casting a dazzling spell on all who encounter her. 

Cancer: Cinderella from Cinderella 

In the enchanting world of fairy tales, Cinderella shines with the essence of a Cancer. Her heart, overflowing with compassion and kindness, illuminates even the darkest corners of her troubled existence. Despite enduring years of mistreatment at the hands of her stepfamily, Cinderella’s emotional resilience remains unyielding. Her unwavering connection to home and family, though distant, serves as a guiding light through her life. With a dreamy gaze, Cinderella envisions a future filled with love and happiness, refusing to let go of hope. Her empathetic spirit extends even to those who mistreated her, as she shows forgiveness and understanding to those who wrong her. In the usual Cancer style, Cinderella’s radiant presence represents a world where dreams come true and kindness reigns supreme.

Leo: Jasmine from Aladdin

Jasmine radiates the charisma and captivating charm that defines a Leo. Just like the lion, she exudes confidence and possesses a magnetic presence that commands attention. Fearlessly independent, Jasmine charts her own path, unafraid to challenge conventions and defy expectations. Beneath her royal facade, she possesses a warm heart, always extending her kindness and compassion to those around her in need. With her fiery spirit and warm heart, Jasmine illuminates every room she enters, leaving a trail of brightness and inspiration. 

Virgo: Belle from Beauty and the Beast

Belle, with her nose buried in books and her keen eye for detail, radiates the essence of a Virgo. Along with her intellect and practicality, Belle’s heart brims with compassion and a selfless desire to serve others. Independent and unyielding, Belle dances to the rhythm of her own story, embodying the Virgo spirit of self-sufficiency and resilience. In the world of fairy tales, Belle’s presence shines brightly, casting a spell of wisdom and kindness that reflect the Virgo spirit. 

Libra: Aurora from Sleeping Beauty 

Aurora is a true illustration of a Libra, with her qualities of harmony, diplomacy and grace that enchant all who encounter her. With a desire for balance, she moves through life with an elegance, seeking to maintain harmony within herself and her surroundings. Aurora’s diplomatic charm and ability to foster cooperation among others reflect the Libra’s penchant for harmony and collaboration. Not to forget Libra’s usual appreciation for beauty, and she is the Sleeping Beauty. Aurora is a true embodiment of a Libra, showcasing harmony, grace and an enchanting beauty that leaves a mark on all who cross her path. 

Scorpio: Mulan from Mulan

Mulan embodies the traits that define Scorpio’s intensity and resilience. Her journey is a story of courage and determination, as she fearlessly challenges societal norms to protect her family and honor. With unwavering loyalty, Mulan embraces her duty to country and comrades, showing a depth of devotion that mirrors the Scorpio’s profound sense of commitment. Yet, it is in her emotional depth and internal struggles that Mulan truly shines, undergoing a transformative journey of self-discovery that encapsulates the Scorpio’s penchant for rebirth and growth. Through every trial and triumph, Mulan embodies the essence of Scorpio, a beacon of strength, courage, and unyielding resolve that inspires all who witness her journey.

Sagittarius: Pocahontas from Pocahontas 

Pocahontas embodies the epitome of a Sagittarius with her boundless sense of adventure, deep connection to nature, and strong pursuit of justice and harmony. Her fearless exploration of the wilderness, coupled with her ability to communicate with animals, resonates with the adventurous spirit of Sagittarians. Moreover, her fierce independence and unwavering determination to follow her heart exemplify the Sagittarius value of freedom and autonomy. In every step of her journey, Pocahontas embodies the essence of Sagittarius, embracing life with courage and grace.

Capricorn: Tiana from The Princess and the Frog

Tiana shines as a Capricorn, blending her unwavering ambition and determined work ethic with an adventurous spirit that sets her apart. Her journey to open her own restaurant becomes an epic adventure, filled with twists and turns that test her resolve and determination. Like a true Capricorn, Tiana approaches each challenge with resourcefulness, navigating the unknown with courage and grace. Through it all, Tiana remains focused on her long-term goals, showing the disciplined focus and resilience typical of her zodiac sign. Tiana’s character shines as a testament to the unwavering determination of Capricorns, inspiring others to chase their dreams with courage and perseverance.

Aquarius: Elsa from Frozen

In the world of Arendelle, Elsa glimmers with the aura of an Aquarius. Her journey of self-discovery and acceptance reflects Aquarian traits of intellectual curiosity and a rebellious streak against social norms. With her ethereal ice powers and enigmatic allure, she dances on the edge of innovation, daring to defy convention and forge her own path. With a mix of her individuality and warm heart, Elsa uplifts and empowers those around her. In that Aquarius way, Elsa’s intellect and innovation light the way forward towards a world of boundless possibility and compassion. 

Pisces: Ariel from The Little Mermaid

With Ariel’s dreamy gaze and boundless imagination, she is the true essence of a Pisces. She explores the ocean with curiosity and openness, enchanted by the world above. Fueled by romantic idealism, she dreams of finding true love beyond her ocean home. Ariel embodies the mystical allure of Pisces, a celestial siren whose radiant spirit shines wherever adventure takes her.