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What Risks Every Zodiac Should Take In Mid-August (When Mars Conjuncts Jupiter)

The Mars-Jupiter conjunction on August 14, 2024, is an astronomical event where the two planets will appear closely aligned in the sky. Astrologically, this alignment suggests that mid-August is an ideal time to take risks, as the combination of Mars’s pioneering energy and Jupiter’s enthusiasm creates a favorable environment for bold actions.

Every zodiac will be affected differently. Read on to learn which risks will have the best results for you. Don’t be afraid to take a walk on the wild side!

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Aries is never averse to risk and that is especially true now. Voicing contempt for a stupid policy, offensive speech, or outmoded attitude can be liberating for this sign, as well as many of their peers. If this means putting their job on the line or becoming unpopular with a large group of people, so be it. That’s better than simmering in enraged silence. 


The best way for Taurus to use the Mars-Jupiter conjunction to their advantage is to pursue greater material wealth. This zodiac can ask for a raise, apply for a higher-paying job, or raise prices on their products and services. The important thing is for the Bull to get paid what they are worth. If this zodiac wants to start a side-hustle, it should pay extremely well.


To make the most of this planetary meetup, Gemini should take a risk with their appearance. Some Twins may opt to shave their heads. Others could get tattooed. Still more may get spray tanned or totally change their makeup palette. Embracing a big change will fling open personal and professional doors that were previously sealed to this zodiac.


Toward the middle of the month, ultra-conscientious Cancer will dare to pursue their selfish desires. Flying under the radar allows this zodiac to adopt a new philosophy, transform their health, or embark on a love affair. Having a hidden life brings out the best in Crabs, who love the safety of comfortable havens. Instead of enjoying a period of quiet repose, though, Cancer will work hard to bring about a stunning transformation. 


At the risk of being mocked, Leo is ready to challenge popular assumptions in mid-August. After arguing with a self-described expert, this zodiac will be quietly approached by others who secretly share their skepticism. At this point, many Lions may decide to start a movement to improve work conditions, put an end to socially accepted bullying, or change a restrictive law. 


Taking a big career leap will pay off handsomely for Virgo. While this zodiac prefers to make small, incremental changes, the Mars-Jupiter conjunction inspires them to implement a huge overhaul. Whether this means selling a business that’s become boring, leaving a secure job for an entrepreneurial effort, or getting an advanced degree is immaterial. At long last, Virgins are ready to ignore conventional wisdom for the sake of professional success (not to mention personal happiness).


Learning about extreme belief systems, philosophies, and lifestyles can be eye-opening for Libra this August. While people born under the sign of the Scales yearn for balance in all things, they can also benefit from exploring the fringes of society. After taking a deep dive on a subject, Libra may emerge with greater compassion for friends, relatives, or colleagues who once seemed eccentric or outrageous.


Sensual Scorpio will get a blissful opportunity to satisfy their sex drive. Going to extremes with a partner can feel wonderful under the Mars-Jupiter conjunction in August, which occurs in Scorpion’s 8th House of Intimacy. Single Scorpios can indulge in self-love, perhaps splurging on sex toys, watching explicit movies, or listening to ASMR recordings. The edgier the indulgence, the better.


Affable Sagittarius won’t find it so easy to go with the flow in mid-August. Instead of giving in gracefully to a pushy partner, the Archer will shove back. That’s a good thing. It’s time for this zodiac to challenge the unwritten rules of a close relationship. Instead of automatically assuming all the drudge work, Sagittarius should make time for solitary pursuits that bring them pure joy. 


Although Goats derive great comfort from routines, they are being challenged to mix up their daily schedules. Operating on impulse can lead to tremendous advances, especially in the arenas of work and health. Whether this means exchanging the first shift for the third or eating only raw foods is immaterial. The important thing is for Capricorn to give a shock to their physical operating systems.


Taking a chance on romance can pay off in a big way for Aquarius. If this zodiac drops their cool veneer and shows what they really feel, a passionate relationship can take flight. Water-bearers should grab this opportunity to confess a crush, ask for a date, or make a proposal. For Aquarians who aren’t interested in love, they can venture into a bold creative direction that is shocking and disruptive.


Creating a stimulating sanctuary may involve an element of risk for Pisces. That’s because this zodiac might have to get their own place, kick out a roommate, or move to faraway place. Deep down inside, the Fish knows what it needs to thrive. By having the courage to champion their desires, Pisces will experience a tremendous personal breakthrough. A pervasive sense of exhaustion will lift, allowing this zodiac to become much more productive in areas they enjoy.